Monday, September 02, 2024

Lunch diary 0831


This weekend "I" stayed home because of the typhoon. But fortunately we didn't have any big troubles. Yuki could join the live stage in KUROISO which is the next next city.

I decided to stay home during the typhoo. So I took the courage to open ZOOM meeting at my English Picture club HP in the afternoon.

I thought no one would come. Becayse I have a few customes of the HP. Than I expected everytime someone came. Two were my old friends, And the other two were new people who sometimes drop by the HP. 

They are intereseted in my home library, so probably they will come to my home library and  look at my collection directly.

Keeping my home library is not a business. It is one of my way to keep coneection with society. It was a really happy weekend.

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