Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Good morning 0305


by Yuki

Last night it was snowing, but very early morning the snow seemed to turn into rain. It doesn’t rain this morning. 
Yesterday I booked a telephone appointment to fix my PC to my PC support center. I am going to get a call at 9 a.m. I hope I can fix my PC through the phone service.
Actually I have taken the phone service a few times. They were very kind. I like the service, so when replaced  my old PC, I got it at the same shop. 
An interesting thing is that Yuki’s Mac computer seldom has no trouble, but my Window’s computer sometimes has troubles. Why?

I know one reason is that Window’s system is sometimes updated automatically, but it seldom occurs on Mac computer. (Or he doesn’t?)

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Good morning 0304


By Yuki
It was snowing yesterday. It doesn’t snow this morning, but it seems to snow again in the evening. 

Today’s mission is put back HINA dolls. A  car dealer comes to pick up my car to have it inspected. My car doesn’t wear winter tires. Once my car is delivered, it is not my business. (Or does it cost more?)

I am going to stay home all the day, while I arrange my Englishpicture books. Yuki goes taking radiation therapy at hospital in the afternoon. Today’s his band practice in the evening is canceled because expecting snow tonight. 

Monday, March 03, 2025

Good morning 0303


By Yuki 

A new week has started. It is HINA festival day, though it is not a holiday. Tomorrow I have to put back HINA dolls. It is said as soon as HINA festival day ends we have to do that. The reason is that it is said that if we don’t your daughters would be single permanently. My elder daughter is still single, so anyway I try to keep the custom, though we don’t care she is single or not. 

Well, I have a good excuse to buy high quality cake, since it is HINA festival day. Though it is rain we go out to the hospital in the afternoon. After that on the way home we will drop by a confectionery shop.

Sunday, March 02, 2025

Lunch diary 0301


By Mieko

By Yuki

It is Sunday. I sort up my English picture books making a list. Yesterday I got seven middle sized card boxes at a nearby super market for free. 
Yuki goes joining jazz live session in the afternoon. 
He is preparing for his hospitalization . It means he got a new gadget —- small keyboard which is able to connect his PC. (Last time he was hospitalized with a new PC.) Yesterday the keyboard  was delivered.  Now he is busy in adjusting it. He is going to update his music YouTube while he is hospitalized.

Internet, and IT gadgets brings him pleasure.

On the other hand, now I am having a little trouble in my computer. I have already inquired the company by email twice. And I tried some steps to mend it. It has improved but not perfect yet. I will call the service department of the company next week.  (Inquiring by mail is free, but on the phone it is not free). 

Saturday, March 01, 2025

Good morning 0301 Do you have two goals?


By Yuki

Last night when I listened to the radio, an interesting interview was introduced. A retired pro-tennis player  who is a woman, talked about her life style. When she  was a pro- tennis player, she always had two goals.  She said “When I reached one of the goals , I was able to continue to go on forcing the other goal. If I had had only one goal, I must have got burnt out. “.
Now she is retired. Her current job is training young  tennis players to be the world class players. She also said, “ I have to confess, in my current situation it is difficult to make two goals. The reason is that the objects I am interested in the others, not my self. Additionally I used to try improving my English speaking skill, and I gave up. “.

She concluded her story speaking “Spring is another best season to make new goals, I will make two goals for myself”.

Well, it is a weekend. I should discard 10 things. One of my goals is decreasing belongings and living simply before it is difficult for me to take the garbage out. 
Why “taking out the garbage “ is my deadline?
I really agreed with my friend saying. She said “When I can’t take the garbage out by myself it is high time to go to nursing home”.

Well, the other goal is —— anyway I keep studying English without clear deadline. Thanks for coming to this blog.