Thursday, March 06, 2025

Good morning 0306 What do you know about Buddha?

Yesterday I joined a English conversation online. The topic was about Buddhism. It was very difficult. Yuki and I are not devout Buddists. We probably consider Buddism as a kind of Japanese culture and custom. So our funerals will be hold in Buddhism style.

These are interesting topics to you, readers.

I wrote what I spoke to the other members. 

 ◆What do you know about Buddha?

Budda is not a god; he was a man. He reached enlightenment after years of hard training.

◆Do you believe in reincarnation?

Not 100%, but I believe in it. Additionally, some people say that some people used to be insects or animals in thier previous lives. I think it is interesting. If I were to be reincarnated as an animal, it might be fun, and my next life might be carefree or very tough. I think which is easier being an animal or being a human being?

◆Have you ever felt Karma?

What is Karma? There is one proverb "what goes around comes around" .  This proberb might say a menaing of Karma. If you do good things, something good would return to you, and if you do bad things, something bad would return to you. I sometimes experience this routine, and at that time I thought I asked for it. So I try not to do bad or selfish things. And when Karma is used a kind of unchangeable fate, we might accept our fate. And of course we cna do the best as much as possible in our unchageable fate.  Sometimes I feel when someone passed away and I faced their process and their last .

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