Saturday, March 01, 2025

Good morning 0301 Do you have two goals?


By Yuki

Last night when I listened to the radio, an interesting interview was introduced. A retired pro-tennis player  who is a woman, talked about her life style. When she  was a pro- tennis player, she always had two goals.  She said “When I reached one of the goals , I was able to continue to go on forcing the other goal. If I had had only one goal, I must have got burnt out. “.
Now she is retired. Her current job is training young  tennis players to be the world class players. She also said, “ I have to confess, in my current situation it is difficult to make two goals. The reason is that the objects I am interested in the others, not my self. Additionally I used to try improving my English speaking skill, and I gave up. “.

She concluded her story speaking “Spring is another best season to make new goals, I will make two goals for myself”.

Well, it is a weekend. I should discard 10 things. One of my goals is decreasing belongings and living simply before it is difficult for me to take the garbage out. 
Why “taking out the garbage “ is my deadline?
I really agreed with my friend saying. She said “When I can’t take the garbage out by myself it is high time to go to nursing home”.

Well, the other goal is —— anyway I keep studying English without clear deadline. Thanks for coming to this blog. 

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