Saturday, June 26, 2021

lunch diary 0626

This week, it was a very active week.

I went to a clinic to get Japanese herb medicine on foot.
Do you know "Pear Twist"?

On the day a NPO group member came to take my English teaching materials.
The group helps children and their family who are in trouble to go to school, or financially. I'll keep contact with this group.
Then, I also went to the gym to do 30 minute workout. 
In the afternoon "we" went to the coin laundry to wash the winter carpets.
It was the first time to wash direct there. Until then we had taken them to the cleaning shop. We were really afraid what happened. But it was all right. When we bought these carpet, they were not so inexpensive, or for us at that time they were expensive. So we had thought it would be difficult to clean with washing machine. But it was all right. We will be able to use them next winter.

These days I was feeling that my right eye was heavy. So I went to an eye clinic. 
The doctor said "eye  fatigue". I got two kinds of eye drop. Well I really understood why these day wrinkles on my forehead increased.

This day I kept watching and talking to my other via ALEXA.
She was not so good. So she was always grumbling. 

We had no plans in the afternoon. 
So we went to see hydrangeas. One was not so far. It is a private estimate. The landowner has continued planting more hydrangeas since 20 years ago.  And the site naturally got viewing spot for these years.

 The other site was a shire, which is famous for hydrangeas.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

lunch diary 0619

I got a head of Chinese cabbage. It was too big, but  --- it was troublesome for me to think of some arrangement of cooking. So I cooked whole of it with pressure cooker.
My mom finally left the hospital. I talked with her a little. Her physical power looked weaker, but fortunately her Alzheimer symptoms didn't seem to progress. Actually the same thing was told by the doctor.

Zucchini season has come. I got the first Zucchini of this year. Yuki had no idea to cook it. So Anyway I baked Zucchini pizza, and at the same time I also baked slices of Zucchini and marinated.

Finally here in Utsunomiya, rainy season has started. It was a little bit cold day for me. So my electric slow cooker was very helpful. I put cutting Japanese radish into it and just put the switch on.
I had a zoom meeting in the morning. It seems to be still difficult to held a volunteer reading meeting at the library. On the other hand elderly people around me almost  received the vaccination shot of Covid-19.
I organized my teaching material and English picture books. 
Finally I got contact with a NPO community which support kids. Next week a staff comes to take some of them if they are able to use my stuff. I'm happy if my materials are helpful for them, and also I'm happy to make a connection with them. It might bring me a new path in my retirement life.
Yuki and I visited my father and my grandmother's grave. We picked Tomomi on the way. It was the first time in one and half year. At that time my Mom was with us. 
After that we visited my Mom. She was all right, but as I expected her physical power got weaker. But she undergoes rehabilitation constantly. She can go toilet by herself, she can come to kitchen and eat it by herself ,, though all actions are very very slow.
Now, about 1 PM my brother is staying with her. Then around 3 her daughter in-law visits her. And around 5 my daughter visits her. Then my brother comes back around 7 and make dinner.
I'm not sure whether this life style will be continued.
Anyway Until next week, every day in the morning two nurses visit her to care her knee and check her heath condition.  In two weeks, the service will change into vising care service. 

Sunday, June 13, 2021

lunch diary 0613

Monday, I found a fat long stalk of parsley, so I broke it off. I wanted to less doing the dishes, so that I steamed with fried pan. I had to wash the pan, but it was not so oily that it was easy to wash it.

Tuesday, We went to a "special" super . "special" means they serve all goods for affordable price. Main customers are merchants, but they accept general customers.
We bought a big bag of bacon.

Wednesday, this year we get lots of mulberries.  They are all right to eat fresh ones, make jam, and store in the freezer.

Thursday, it sudden got hot. So it seemed to be difficult to keep vegetables fresh for days. I fried all of them with strange taste. It was not so bad.

Friday, I learn HAIKU by receiving corrections by mail once a year. This week I got the correction of last month, and I posted my works of this week. On my way home from the post office, I dropped by a supermarket and bought this delicatessen.

This week it was the day of KARAKU. Under this corona pandemic, it is the only chance to wear my "stylish" clothes.
I really enjoyed my clothes, performance, and the atmosphere at cafe KARAKU.

We visited three shrines to tell our thankfulness and happiness.

Saturday, June 05, 2021

lunch diary 0605

Monday; it was the sales day of "480yen for two sets of Chinese delicatessen" . So we bought two sets. there are three dishes on the table. One is the breakfast leftover.

Tuesday, my brother sent a photo which was taken at yesterday's online visiting at hospital. He connected her voice to me through his phone during the interview, but I couldn't see her. So I was very happy. She was fine. I managed to read them up taking lots of rest. June has started. Anyway I went to the gym  to do  30 minute exercise.


Wednesday, As soon as Yuki got up, he went fishing. In a week they will be able to fish "ayu". Yuki doesn't have the right to fish them. He didn't buy it because of the price and -- it is really difficult to fish "ayu". But when the season comes, the rivers are more crowded. So before that he wanted to get at least one fish. Unfortunately he didn't get any fish this time again.


Thursday; the night before I cooked well. It means, I bothered cooking deep fried cutlet. Of course it is wasteful to put the oil away. So for this lunch I cooked deep fried (kind of) Gyoza. Well mulberry harvest has started. I put fresh mulberries on our salad.


Friday, There are "GYOZA". "Gyoza" is one of our local specialty.
"Our local???". Since we came here more than 35 years passed. And without noticing GYOZA became "our local specialty".