Friday, September 20, 2024

Good morning 0920


Though it is still cloudy, it will become sunny and a hot day according to the weather forecast. Yesterday during  getting CBT , I got an advise. I usually write down my negative sites and try to see the big picture from the positive sites.

But when I see the report again, I tend to focus on negative reports.(it is one way of CBT)

So the doctor says “how about trying to write down only happy things, and filling up with them on your notebook “. 

It sounds good. Well where do I complain?

Ok, I complain on this blog in my poor English. Are you all right?

When I try to write something in English, I need to think it again how to write and what I want to really write. 


Marta Mae said...

Maybe having two notebooks would help? One for positive things and everything you are grateful for, and the other for negative ramblings and complaints. Once you complete a positive journal, put it in your drawer. Once you complete a journal with negative writings, burn it. The ceremony of burning helps to let go of the worries and negativity. :)

Mieko said...

Thanks for your good advice. The important action is burning the negative one, isn’t it?

Marta Mae said...

Yes. Although the problem may be still there, such as health issues, somehow people feel like the weight of the worry lessened. It goes up with the smoke! And you keep the positive journal, so you can actually review it and read your entries from time to time- we often forget the good moments, so it helps to see life as more bearable.