Sunday, June 19, 2022

lunch diary 0619

We got a whole large cabbage. First, we cut it into half. Then I I stir-fried it with beef  and tasted it with Tenmenjan paste.
In the afternoon, we went to a library a little far away, then borrowed some books. In the afternoon I talked with my mother on the video phone, .It was  a calm day.

I used boiled frozen cutlet for our lunch. It was the day of my performance at Karaku cafe.
I was anxious about dizziness, so Yuki took me to and from there. Thanks Yuki.

There is a restaurant with a good view It is on the 8th floor of a hotel. We had omelet lunch. It cost 600 yen.  I had heard its good reputation. Actually it was amazing. Yuki was really happy because he got another topic to tell his tennis mates.

Dice pork cutlet? kind of. I tried to make it, but I made a mistake in the temperature and it burned, though I didn't care.
I finally organized the closet (oshiire) in our Tatami room. I reduced the number of items so that the wind could reach the back.

You might not accept , but it was  omelet. Inside is the rest of  bibimbap rice of yesterday's supper. In the afternoon,  we went to see a dentist to  prevent periodontal disease.

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