Tuesday, November 21, 2023

trouble shooter 1106


Trouble shooter

I’m suffering a great sense of loss due to my father’s sudden death

I’m in my 50s. I work part time. There are three members in my family.

Last year my father who was in his 80s passed away. He was healthy but suddenly he got worse during the second half of the year and passed away. My father and I got along well. He always supported me. So, I regret that I was not able to do anything when he passed away. I still cry. After his death I’ve had troubles with my siblings so we don’t keep in touch. Getting older, sad things happen one after another, so I feel sad. I feel that I’m getting older and finally I will be alone at last. No one such as my family, friends, and colleagues understand my feelings.

I manage to live my daily life. But my mind is not clear, I’m suffering a great sense of loss that I don’t feel like doing anything. How do I live the rest of my life?

Adviser (a psychologist)

I really understand your feeling. You are suffering a great sense of loss from your father’s death and you regret that you were not able to do anything for him.

However, what could you have done for your father specifically? When your father got worse suddenly, what you could do was to watch over your father with concern. Because you are not a medical professional. For your father your watching him must have been very reassuring.

When we are depressed, we tend to look at bad side only. We feel that no one understand us, and close ourselves from outside. Don’t be rushed, take your time. We have a power to get over when we are in a tough situation. Please little by little try to find something fun. Please try to put even just a little fun into your daily life. And please try to share a little time with someone. While such little fun is accumulated, your mind will clear little by little.

Yuki’s radiation treatments are last two times!

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