Sunday, May 01, 2022

lunch diary  0501 

I wanted to eat bread at a bakery not at a supermarket. So I went to one.  Though I knew, it was expensive.  Then, I stopped by a drug store to buy reasonable vegetable juice and went back.

We had a strange weather. But my husband played tennis and I went to the gym.. From the afternoon, one of my friend came and had a chat time, of course wearing a mask

Also, the weather was strange. On this day, my neighbor visited, and we had a chat time for a while. The weather got nice in the afternoon so my husband went fishing.

It was a very cold day. We have a consecutive holiday from tomorrow. For the time being, I went to the banks and did some errands before the holidays.

This three-day weekend,  my daughter and  granddaughter came . I was crazy about cooking.  I was  glad that the bamboo shoot quiche was also eaten by my grand daughter.

On Japanese calendar, it was still in a big holiday. But two of us usual retirement day starts, though we have no gym and tennis meeting.

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