Thursday, September 19, 2019

Yuki's retirement life -1-

Yuki's retirement life has started. Luckily he seems to be busy.
Since he was young, he has played tennis constantly. When he worked, he took tennis lessons once a week. Now he continues to take lessons. What is interesting, some members of the club got old, and quit taking lessons and joined a senior tennis circle on weekdays. So he followed them. He usually goes to play tennis with the members of the circle three times a day.

------ so he maintained his rackets, and kids. It means he bought new tennis shoes, new gut --- and (so far, he doesn't buy anything more.)

I know he had been interested in fishing, so he bought fishing poles and some kits. Unfortunately he has not found his fishing friends. But he sometimes goes to a lake nearby, where it takes 40 minutes by car.
He often asks someone who comes alone there how to use his kits.
----- and He finds to something more to fish, and buys some things.

Well, camera is another his hobby.
Now he seems to be a member of ????? club on the net.

And the other his hobby is music. He has started to music activity. The other day he joined jam session. Usually such activities are held at night. He found one which is hold in the daytime.
---- and he maintained his music instruments; two guitars and bass (until now). He bought strings and some things.

This month he doesn't need to pay for social meeting with his coworkers, and all budget moved to his hobby budget.

I asked or told him to reduce the budget from the next time. He accept it saying "this time is special."

Anyway it is good that he has started his retirement life with busy days.

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