Wednesday, September 04, 2019

walking diary 0902

Do you know these flowers? They are like daffodils.
In Japanese we call them summer daffodils.
6328 steps.
Summer daffodils Though walk slowly Continuing.

This day I was going to go to the library on foot, however, it was too hot for me to do it.
I went there by car, and had lunch alone. Yuki went out to play tennis.(Unbelievable)
In the evening I did walking. 5669 steps.
Do you know "book worm" is a seasonal word of summer.
For a book, Walk around in the library, bookworms.
Suddenly the atmosphere changed into fall. 5001 steps.
Yellow cosmoses Bowl of rice for lunch With my husband

We went on a trip with Yuki's mother.
She also used a wheel chair as my mother did. 7000 steps.
Autumn wind, Pushed a wheel chair Mt.Hakone

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