Wednesday, August 12, 2020

English Haiku 0812

I continue learning English Haiku. Unfortunately I have no members to study together. But anyway I keeping making English Haiku alone while I keep learning Japanese Haiku by receiving corrections by mail  once a month. 

This month my three Haiku poems got  grade A.

Through the window, dazzlingly  green rice plants, waiting for seeing a doctor
lingering rainy season; ironing sportswear of my husbands
In  rainy season, temporary sunny day seats occupies , laundry poles

Today's drill is using onomatopoeia.
In Japanese we have lots of onomatopoeia, but in English ----. I don't know about them.
Anyway I tried to making some Haiku using kind of onomatopoeia.
If someone gets some advice, I'm really happy.

From the tap, trickling  little by little, after summer shower
Against sweltering heat, twist the cork out, swooshing
IN the Corona pandemic  hear the sea sound in the head, with glittering

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