Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Good morning 0605


Good morning, it is sunny. I almost forgot today’s schedule “going to the dentist”. I will go to the gym in the afternoon, today. Yuki might go taking massages. He feels his leg muscle hard. So instead of playing tennis, he goes fishing (catch and release) to the nearby river.

As one of my habits, I listen to the radio in the bed early morning while dozing. Today they talked about retirees’ financial problem. Many retirees live with their pension and savings. But if you are still middle seniors( in your 60’s or early 70’s), you should think to work again and stop decreasing your savings. It is getting harder to get by. When something  unexpected happens, you are into financial failure. 

Well, well, unexpected thing has already happened on us. This talk only made me feel uneasy. 

So, I “declared” that “we should save more, especially food expenses including alcohol in the morning.

Yuki said “your saying is always the same thing”. Yuki advised to Check more strictly our total retirement budget plan. But both of us give up facing it again. “Que sera sera”.

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