Friday, June 28, 2024

Good morning 0628


Yesterday, we went to KALDI store. It was not on our schedule. Yuki got information about his tennis shoes, so went to see shoes in the mall. But unfortunately the store is closed until this month to reopen next month. So we dropped by KALDI in the same mall. Yuki “loves” KALDI. 
Well, it is said the best three ways to improve our immune system are exercise, diet, and relationship with people. Additionally in his case luckily he has no dietary restrictions (though he has budget restrictions by me). I don’t mind he buys some things he likes at KALDI. And we seldom go to the mall. 
Anyway from the view point of me, he likes B-grade foods (unhealthy foods)

Additionally today it is 28th. 2 is “in” in Japanese. 8 sounded like “wa” in Japanese. “Ni-wa” are two first words of “ni wa to ri”, which means chicken. Can you guess what I want to say. Today is is a sales day at KFC  once a month.  He has already decided today’s dinner is chicken at KFC. We will take out some pieces. According to his excuse, last month we didn’t eat them. He is right. 

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