Thursday, July 11, 2024

Good morning 0711


It is cloudy, so today’s temperature isn’t so high, but humidity is very high.  Can Yuki play tennis, though it looks like it’s going to rain. 

I feel summer fatigue before coming real summer. We are still I. Japanese rainy season. Or I might be tired from socializing.

Yesterday in the morning I was sleeping. After morning errands, I took a bath putting special bath salt , so I felt like to take a hot spring. Then I slept. After I had late lunch alone (Yuki went playing golf all the day), then read a book.

I also practiced the piano. Yesterday a student came to practice the piano. (I have still one piano strident)

Then Yuki and had dinner. It was take-out cutlet bowl. I took  a hot spring-like bath again. And I went to bed. 

Today, anyway I am going to the gym to do 15 minute exercise. 

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