Thursday, August 08, 2024

Good morning 0808

 Yesterday Yuki had a CT examination. It totally slipped our mind that now it is August.

We needed to renew Yuki’s high-cost medical expense benefit. Thanks of this system and our health insurance, we continue this immunotherapy. But it is not free. At least we pay about 50000yen every month for treatment of his malignant tumor.

In the afternoon we went to a city hall branch nearby to do the procedure.

Fortunately Yuki has his private cancer insurance, so the treatment cost is paired by the insurance partly. Luckily this immunotherapy was accepted as a standard treatment four years ago. This treatment will finish in November (?). After that how we face to this situation? We are thinking. We might take another treatment to lower the risk of  its recurrence.  In this case any insurance aren’t be applied. 

Next week we need to talk about it with the doctor.

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