Wednesday, August 28, 2024

trouble shooter 0824

Typhoon is coming. It is raining, but not so strong. Monday trip to visit Yuki’s mother was the best plan. We were surprised that even in this area r bags of rice are almost sold out at most of the supermarkets. 

I hope my writing of this trouble shooter makes sense. 

 2024/08/24 05:00

I am in trouble. My mother who is in her early 80’s calls me. I’m in my 50’s and a parttime worker.


My mother had an operation of her back and hospitalized for a while to rehab. She gets fine, but it got be difficult to live alone. So now she moved from her house to a elderly nursing home.

When she lived in her house, she often called me. Now, she called me everyday a few times. When I don’t answer her phone, she calls my home phone and sends some e-mails. What she talks is some help, her old day stories, or complaining. They are not urgent matters.

I try to answer her as much as possible. I know she is full of anxious because she lives in an unfamiliar elderly nursing home.

She can’t wait to call me after I finish to work, even though I tell her “I’m working now”. Now I became unstable to hear the phone. She says “it doesn’t matter to call you”. Am I selfish?


Your mother must be fine and positive.

She rehabbed very hard. She must be so energetic that she calls or sends e-mails. And of course, she feels loneliness at a new elderly nursing home.

From my situation, what I can say is that “while your mother is alive, you are able to give back to your mother. Because recently my mother passed away. 

But the more important thing is you are in a good shape. If you are sick, that is backfired. You keep health mentally and physically.

So how about making a rule with your mother?

For example, when you wake up, both of you make sure that both of you are fine. After finish dinner, talk about what happened on the day. Twice a month you visit her. Making a schedule makes her stable and spend days regularly

Or you ask your mother’s friends or relatives to tell her “You should obey your mother”.

I hope to make atmosphere “. Be guided by your children when you are old” naturally

Anyway, your mother is always with you mentally. Please try to many different ways which you can do, to make both of you happy.


When I was in my 50’s. The same thing happened to me. So we decided to make a phone call every Wednesday afternoon. We would talk more than 2 hours on the phone. And At least I visited her once a month.

I really understand the adviser saying “while our mother is just alive, we are able to give back to her”.

However, to tell the truth, at that time Wenday’s call was a little bit burden for me. Visiting her was also troublesome. 

Now I can say that at that time, I did everything as much as I could. If I haven’t done that I would regret now.

I believe I could do what I could do for my elder mother.

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