Wednesday, August 21, 2024

trouble shooter 0820

 2024/08/20 05:00

I have a guilty conscience, because I retired earlier even though I was still able to work.

I’m in my 50’s. I was a teacher of elementary school. Now I live in my husband. I retired this March. I lost my passion to work, I couldn’t focus on my work. So I felt guilty about my students and colleagues. So, I decided to retire earlier. I had trouble deciding about early retirement for a few years. My husband understood me. Now I want to spend my daily life calmly doing house errands and so on.

On the other hand, I have a guilty conscience. These days it is said we should work while we are health regardless of age. I know it might be good for our current life and retired life. But doing house errands is also a hard work, I think, even though housewives cannot earn money directly.

Probably I want to deny the formula “quitting job and becoming a house wife” equals “no work”.


I think you must have been a wonderful teacher. You did all your best with your strong responsibility.

Some people say that the formula you said is right. However, there are many different kinds of people. Such people think that doing house errands without fee is a really tough job. They are proud of being a housewife.

Now it is a good opportunity for you to take a rest. You should your decision to retire earlier positively. Housewives are also working people, even though they don’t earn money directly.

Only earing money is not work. Rasing kids, nursing your family, and doing house errands are tough jobs. And focusing on what you want to do is also very important to make your life meaningful.

From now, you have entered a new world. You must meet new people, new experience. Please relax and enjoy your new life.


The other day one of my former colleagues was celeberated her 30 year works. It was a great thing. She is in her 70's. She is still work. Actaully I envied her a little. I have no regret to close my school. I am proud of being a housewife (probably.)

On the other hand the life with no salary is ---- sometimes makes me worried. I know probably we are able to manage to live, even though paying higher medical fee than we expected.

I know we don't know what will happen in a few minutes.

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