Monday, December 12, 2011

Every person is different --- that's natural.

A lady's hobby and daily duty is waking. She usually walks with her friend. She said " I don't like walking alone. I "sometimes" do walking, but I don't like walking with someone because walking space is different.

I sometimes eat lunch at cafe alone. (Usually after volunteer work in the morning) A lady said " I can't eat out alone". (She said that she didn't have courage.) Another lady said "you're a housewife, so why don't you eat at home to save money.

Additionally I don't have courage to enter into RAMEN-shop, GYUDON shop, or KAITEN-sushi alone. My younger daughter M preferred (or even now) entering GYUDON shop alone to entering a hamburger shop. It made me really surprised. She said eating GYUDON is better cost performance than eating a hamburger.
If I see only RAMEN shop or GYUDON shop on the way home, I come home with hunger and eat something at home.

That's natural, every person is different.

I made GYUDON for dinner, and I already ate it alone. This is GYUDON,


Anonymous said...

Take a book along with you in the car so that if you decide to stop for lunch, you can read. I also like to "people watch" if I'm eating lunch out alone...that's very entertaining! I usually go to a busy place to eat lunch alone and there are always many others there also alone. Jan

Mieko said...

These days I take my iPod to listen to (English) stories, but I often forget taking ear-phones.
When I go to Tokyo, sometimes when I'm waiting a train, I have coffee alon wathincg busy people.