Tuesday, December 04, 2018

some tricks of conversation between a couple

Though it is Japanese, I found an interesting article on the paper.
Nowadays Yuki and I talk and talk a lot about our retirement life, mainly our financial situation.
Last Saturday we had a meeting with a financial planer.  It was the second time, and thanks to him, we understood (probably) our financial situation including pensions and tax system in our retirement  life.
Without the meeting  we would have talked about our financial situation. However probably it would have been end in collusively.
(I used "subjunctive mood", does it make sense?)
Well, let's go back to the article.
According to the article, to keep good conversation with a couple (not only senior one), there are some tricks. However probably they are useful for Japanese couples.
You should not make such assumptions.
1. Without expressing your feeling or what you think, the other should understand you.
2. It is all right to express everything what you want to say.
3, Each way of thinking and concept of values should be  the same.
4  Understanding the other means giving way. ( I didn't use the word of compromise, compromising is
5, Men should be men and women should be women.
Probably for us, the most difficult point is No.4

What do you thing of it?

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