Saturday, November 26, 2022

lunch diary 1126

Monday: Our lunch  was  baked thick fried tofu with meat miso paste, and natto. We got enough protein. The sun came out after 10:00 A.M. So, I was getting better, but I  spent the day lazily and leisurely while reading books.
Will it finally cold winter come?

Tuesday;  Last night, we had "Ankake" yakisoba noodle. we had the leftover. If course I added vegetables more.  It seems to get cold again tomorrow.
In the afternoon, we went to Gyomu Super for "shopping", which sells lots of things at reasonable price.

Wednesday;  It's a cold rainy day. So, my husband has no plans. We went all the way to next city "Yuki"  to buy special soy sauce. It's about a 40 minute drive one way. I was snuggling up in the car.
On the way home, my husband ate "spicy" mabo tofu at his favorite Chinese restaurant. I had Yulin chicken. Which one has more calories?

Thursday;  I forgot to take a photo of the lunch.  I cooked a bowl of fried cutlet using frozen cutlets. It's yuzu citron season. we had homemade yuzu jam. I know the process is very troublesome, and putting the jam in a bottle, wrapping it, must be more troublesome. Thank you.
By the way, I also made yuzu-flavored sweet miso paste.

Friday; tofu fried rice. It is also called kasamashi fried rice it means tofu expand the portion,  or healthy fried rice.
It was a very productive day, with a haiku meeting in the morning and watching my friend's  hula performance in the afternoon.

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