Sunday, December 31, 2023

lunch diary 1230 short version


It is the last day of this year. Fortunately as of now Yuki doesn't seem any side effects.We have a calm day. On New Year's Day every member comes. Probably my granddaughter will stay here for two days after that.

Today I will make some meals and bake cake for tomorrow. 

Next year we are planning to go to see Mt. Fuji. (just seeing not climbing)

Friday, December 29, 2023

Good morning 1229


It is the last weekday of this year. Yesterday I meant two pants of  my mother in-law and sent them back to her nursing home. 

Yuki is all right. We hope we will spend New Year’s vacation without going to the hospital, though if something happens he is able to see doctor at the hospital. 

On New year’s day festival we have lunch here with all members. This time I don’t make feast for New year. 

Today I might go to the gym??

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Good morning 1228

There are only four days in this year. Before New Year’s vacation starts, we have calm days. Yesterday I went to the gym. I recorded my daily meals using a health app. It shows intake and consumption of calories. Yesterday. The balance was good. Usually I take suitable calories under my weight. But the balance of intake and consumption is not so good on the day I don’t go to the gym.

Today it is a sewing day. I took back to pants of my mother in-law. I will change the waistbands ( if it is possible) and send them back to her.


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Good morning 1227


It is a normal day. Yuki goes playing tennis in the morning. In the afternoon we go out to the nearby home center. 

Yesterday Yuki had his second immunotherapy. Before it we talked with his doctors. We knew that From his x-Ray Yuki is suffering light pneumonia. Now he has no symptoms, so any medicine wasn’t prescribed. “Follow-up”. It is not clear which caused pneumonia, radiation or immunotherapy. Anyway I is a kind of side effects.

When something happens he goes to the hospital even during New Year’s vacation. We were really relieved to hear that. 

In New Year’s vacation our grand daughter is going to come. But she has severe running nose. We might ask her not to come. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Good morning 1226


Yukon has already left for the hospital without having breakfast. 

I will leave in a half and an hour. 

Yesterday we visited my mother in-law.  She is all right, though not so active. She seemed to enjoy Christmas party at the nursing home. She remembered the party saying “I song three Christmas songs”. Her meals are changed from usual meals to chopped meals. It might be difficult for her to eat something outside. 

I have already changed  Christmas decoration into New year decoration, though I didn’t put lucky charms since I am in mourning.

I have to hang out the laundry!

Monday, December 25, 2023

lunch diary 1224 short version


How did you celebrate your Christmas?

We had luxurious cake! We were really satisfied.

This week, we are a little bit busy. We visit yuki's mother. and Yuki take the second immunotherapy.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Good morning 1222


The score of my cholesterol keeps high without changes. So I don’t take medicine. Anyway I should keep going to the gym. I paid  annual membership this month. 

Today Yuki is going to clean the kitchen fan. And I will clean the windows of the living room. If we do them, our winter cleaning will be finished. 
Nest week is the last week of this month. We are planing to visit Yuki’s mother. And Yuki should takes the second immunotherapy. 
We hope to spend new year holiday without any side effects. 

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Good morning 1221


Today, I have to go to the breakfast to take cholesterol    check. So “we” have no breakfast. When I don’t serve breakfast, he doesn’t take breakfast except coffee. When he goes out play golf, he drop by at a convenience store. 

This photo is taken last Sunday. I went out to a apple orchard with a young friend. On way home we drop by in this fancy cake shop. For today i didn’t eat big cake. 

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Good morning 1220


It is winter, isn’t it? Looking back in November it was warm. I bought a box of stick-on heat patches called “hokkairo”.
Yesterday a neighbor harvested all yuzu-citron of his tree. He gave all of them. I will cook half of them, and the rest of them will be used as “bath yuzu (I stead of salt)”. What a luxury use them!

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Good morning 1219


It is a very cold day, though it might be usual because of winter.

We(which role?) forgot to set the timer of the heater in the kitchen dining. Though one hour passed, it is still 7 Celsius degree. 

In the afternoon we might go to a used clothes shop to look for Yuki’s workout clothes. We already went some reasonable workout clothes shop, but he couldn’t find his favorite one. 

Bland workout clothes is expensive. So we sometimes to go a used clothes shop.

Monday, December 18, 2023

Good morning 1218


A new week has started.

I added fried egg on these plates later.

I have a stomachache. While taking medicine, I will wait and see. Probably because of this severe temperature difference and stress causes this ache.

We discarded some old winter underwear, so we “have to” go shopping.  It is a happy excuse shopping. 

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Lunch diary 1216 short version


Winter cleaning is been doing. Most of the windows in our house were cleaned. Who cleans the kitchen fan? It’s your role. 

Friday, December 15, 2023

Good morning 1215


Just now I saw a mouse? or a small rat running away on the floor in the kitchen. Is it right? It is the first time since we bought this house. This house is about 37 years old.

Yuki didn’t notice it. 

Anyway today we go to a home center and buy something to get rid of “it”. We hope that coincidently just one mouse ran into our house. 

If our pet cat “Choro” were alive, she could have been caught it willingly.  

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Good morning 1214


Yesterday, in the afternoon a friend stopped in on me. It was about 30 minute talking, but we had a really good time. Such small talk makes me relaxed, and is good for my mental health. 

In December it is the month to reconsider our household accounts book.  The main purpose to keep our household accounts book of this year is to save money as much as we can, I think. Yuki says “it is one way to complain on me without any hesitance”. Partly it is correct. But this year we had more unexpected spending than we scheduled. So  my complain on him is less than usual.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Good morning 1213


Finally it is a fine day. Each of us goes out to refresh : Yuki goes tokay tennis. I should go to the gym.

Sometimes I hear uncomfortable news about our mother’s matter (mainly my brother, and Yuki’s brother), we try not to look back,  avoid connecting with them, for doing our life in good meaning. 

These days I really understand there are some different kinds of people among them who we connect  with us than we understood.

Anyway let’s go out in the morning!

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Good morning 1212


It seems to stop raining. It is cloudy. Low air pressure makes me depressed. makes me depressed. It is a kind of seasonal affective disorder.

I am spending lazily in the morning. I haven’t finished morning routines. In a half hour, probably my body will start working. 

Last Sunday I attended a meeting in a red good sweater because of Christmas season. At the meeting I noticed lint balls on my sweater, and they annoyed me. When I left home, I didn’t notice them. When I came back, I tried to get rid of them as much as I could. I gave up. The sweater was downgraded as my homeware.

Is it all right to put it on with (a little?) lint balls?

Monday, December 11, 2023

lunch diary 1209 short version


Our life is getting back to normal, though visiting a hospital is added in our routine.
Are you intereseted "ocutopus balls"?

Friday, December 08, 2023

Good morning 1208


It is the last weekend of this week. I should go to the gym. On Saturday 49-day memorial service of my mother is hold. I won’t attend. My daughters and grand daughter are going to cover me, though the word “cover” might not a suitable word because without my attendance they can decide whether they attend it or not. Anyway later I will visit my mother’s grave.

On Sunday a Christmas party is going to hold. I will attend it. It is a meeting for cancer patients and their family. Yuki doesn’t attend it,  because he is busy in tennis. I have participated in the meeting twice, there I talked with the family who helps patients about our family anxiety and women’s complain. This meeting is organized supported by hospitals so some Rockford and medical stuff are there. Additionally such meeting is organized nationwide, so through online some meetings are connected at the same time.

Thursday, December 07, 2023

Good morning 1207


It seems to get warmer than yesterday. 

To tell the truth yesterday I was most of my time lying down. My brothers’s trouble? is not sold yet. When a little specific thing happens, I am really depressed. It happens yesterday. I took pill for anxiety then I was lying down. It is difficult to let go my anger. On the other hand these day I noticed that I am angry.

Anyway, today I seem to be all right. I am going to meet a friend with taking branch. More saying concisely, we are going to meet at a cafe when it serves morning service. We can have coffee and some light food at very reasonable price. 

Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Good morning 1206

 The rain seemed stopping. Does his tennis coat open today? Yesterday coincidentally a friend came here, and we are planning to resume laughter yoga again. One of missions is finished to organize my inherited kimono. Some are kept to put on by me. Some are changed into casual dress or bags , some are sold, donated, or discarded. And the last one was changed into a casual coat “by me”. The last work is very very tough work for me. I won’t do it again. Anyway my mother and my grand mother must be happy and surprised to see it.

Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Good morning 1205


Toast is burnt. 

It is a cold morning, I made daikon-raddish soup. 

Today it is a usual day. Yuki goes tennis, I will go to the gym.

Yesterday I visited a friend who became 80 the day before yesterday. Since we  knew each other, more than thirty years passed. We did lots of volunteer activities together. We or I didn’t feel our age difference. But yesterday I understood her real age, it recalled me of my mother. When my mother was 80, she was really active, we could travel together at that time. But five years passed she suddenly aged badly.(Then Corona pandemic made her worse. )

Anyway my friend and I had a good time.

Monday, December 04, 2023

Good morning 1204


Monday has started.

In the morning we go to the city hall to submit medical insurance documents. 

In the afternoon I visit my friend. Yuki goes to skin clinic (it is a regular routine, not because of his side effects)

After visiting the city hall we are going to drop by a sport shop . And if we found our favorite, we might buy new sportswear for my gym and for his tennis as our Christmas presents.

Sunday, December 03, 2023

lunch diary 1202 short version

 December has started!!!!

Friday, December 01, 2023

Good morning 1201


December has come. I started making “kind of “ pomander using Yuzu citrus. Yesterday I went to the gym and presented one of them to my gym mate.

Today I attend Haiku meeting. It is the first time in two months. 

Then in the afternoon I will do walking exercise. 

We do our routine. 

Here in Japan, it is winter cleaning season. I have to start clean one window a day in the first floor. Cleaning the windows in the second floor is Yuki’s role —— but???

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Good morning 1130


It’s the last day of November. For these three months we faced to new things. We are accepting this new stage.

On the surface usual retirement life has come back.Yuki goes playing tennis, I will go to the gym. I am planning to do walking. Do I do it?

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Good morning 1129


Good morning. Today Yuki is released . It I sealer than we expected.

Yesterday my friend and I visited a flower exhibition. Even still in November, the atmosphere downtown is inDecember (Christmas season).

According to my schedule I was going to the gym. Instead of today I will go there tomorrow. 

Our usual days coexisting with illness (and anxiety) has started. This is not the end of the rainbow, here we go!

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Good morning 1128

 Good morning. It is a quiet morning. Yuki is in hospital. Yuki’s standard of the care is going well. It it’s the last step immunotherapy. According to the schedule, after he is released, he goes to the hospital once a month. And probably every three month he has a CT check. Our life is getting normal with having a cancer anxiety.

Last Sunday I participated in a meeting for cancer patients and their family as a member of family. This meeting is organized volunteers of doctors, counselors, medical staff , and experiences of cancer treatment and nursing. It is a kind of public meeting supported by city. 

Why Yuki doesn’t attend it? He is busy in tennis. On the other hand I really eager to talk someone about cancer without pity. So the meeting is really meaningful for me. Today I am going to have lunch outside to celebrate my friend’s birthday.

Monday, November 27, 2023

lunch diary 1125 shortversion


This week he is in the hosptital for the first immnotherapy.

Anway his standard of care is going well smoothly. We are really relieved.

Because if one of us is caught by flu or corona, the care is stopped.

Friday, November 24, 2023

Good morning 1124


Yesterday lots of people took their dolls to the ceremony hall. I was very surprised, though I was a persons of them. 

Today Yuki takes CT check. 

I feel lazy, so I stay home lazily today without attending haiku meeting. 

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Good morning 1123


It is a holiday today. 

Today in the morning I take some old dolls to a ceremony hall which a shrine hold a burning ceremony for old toys.

The other day I got rid of my most kimonos. This time I get rid of some dolls, though some new toys are already donated. 

Our closets are little by little organized, the things in them are little by little decreasing. 

On the other hand looking around our rooms, we have still many things. 

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Good morning 1122


It is the last day for Yuki to take radiation treatment. Luckily he was able to take it constantly, even though some light side effects. 

Our granddaughter has caught flu. She had a high fever, today it has gone. Many classes of her school are cancelled by flu. It is the same situation here.  Luckily we haven’t caught flu (and corona virus).

From next week immunotherapy will start. For three days he will be in hospital to check the side effects.Then once or twice a month he goes to the hospital to take the treatment. Going to the hospital is included into our daily life . We are getting used to and accept such a life. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

trouble shooter 1106


Trouble shooter

I’m suffering a great sense of loss due to my father’s sudden death

I’m in my 50s. I work part time. There are three members in my family.

Last year my father who was in his 80s passed away. He was healthy but suddenly he got worse during the second half of the year and passed away. My father and I got along well. He always supported me. So, I regret that I was not able to do anything when he passed away. I still cry. After his death I’ve had troubles with my siblings so we don’t keep in touch. Getting older, sad things happen one after another, so I feel sad. I feel that I’m getting older and finally I will be alone at last. No one such as my family, friends, and colleagues understand my feelings.

I manage to live my daily life. But my mind is not clear, I’m suffering a great sense of loss that I don’t feel like doing anything. How do I live the rest of my life?

Adviser (a psychologist)

I really understand your feeling. You are suffering a great sense of loss from your father’s death and you regret that you were not able to do anything for him.

However, what could you have done for your father specifically? When your father got worse suddenly, what you could do was to watch over your father with concern. Because you are not a medical professional. For your father your watching him must have been very reassuring.

When we are depressed, we tend to look at bad side only. We feel that no one understand us, and close ourselves from outside. Don’t be rushed, take your time. We have a power to get over when we are in a tough situation. Please little by little try to find something fun. Please try to put even just a little fun into your daily life. And please try to share a little time with someone. While such little fun is accumulated, your mind will clear little by little.

Yuki’s radiation treatments are last two times!

Monday, November 20, 2023

lunch diary 1118 short version


If everything goes as planned, on  Wendesday Yuki's daily visit to the hospital will be finished. His treatment goes to the next step "immunotherapy". 

On the other hand some sideeffects by chemo and radiation treatmet will apear.

Anyway we do what we can do on the day!!!!

Last week I really enjoyed my performance at KARAKU. I played the piano at Karaku for the first time in two months.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Good morning 1117


It is raining today. Yuki has no plan in the morning. I asked him to give a ride to the gym. While I work out at the gym, he will buy something at a supermarket next to the gym.

In the afternoon, Yuki is going to the dealer for annual inspection of his car. Almost one year has passed since he bought current car. 

Too many things happened this year, though this Year hasn’t finished yet.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Good morning 1116


Yesterday I was in bed. I couldn’t adjust to this sudden temperature change . It affected the automatic nervous system and caused dizziness. 

Today I am all right. It is sunny and temperature seems to be up.

Yuki’s chemo treatment is finished. Unfortunately he couldn’t take the last (the six time) treatment because of low score of white blood cells. However he takes radiation treatment constantly. It remains 5 times. 

He is fine. The amount he eats has decreased. It means he eats his meal, he can’t the rest of my meal. So it is difficult for us to go to some restaurants. Usually I share my meal to him.  It is difficult to find restrains which has good barranco of amount, quality, cost and our taste.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

trouble shooter 1104


I regret being impulsive and always dwell on things I’ve done.

I’m an official worker in my 60s. I’m worried about my character which is that I am impulsive and usually regret doing things afterwards. I know I should not dwell on regret, and move on. But I can’t stop myself worrying about things I’ve done.

It might be usual that people regret doing some things. However, in my case it occurs more often. It’s a burden for me and difficult to get over with.

When I talk with my friends, I always think “Why did I say such things. I shouldn’t have”.  When I buy something at a shop, I always think “Why did I buy this item, I shouldn’t have”.

In my daily life I always regret doing some things, thinking “I shouldn’t have done it”. I always feel down. I can’t become positive. How do I feel and look at things positively without regret?

Adviser (a philosopher) 

All of us are not perfect. We live comparing ourselves to others. So, it is natural to feel regret in our life. We can’t make the best choice all the time. So, we always look back and say “I shouldn’t have done it”.

How about this idea “we have no choice”. The way we go was only one. This way of thinking was introduced by SOUSHI who was a philosopher in China. His philosophy is “BANBUTS SEIDOU” (the Equality of Things). All things are one and the same. We are not God, so we can’t see everything. We see one side but everyone has different view from each other. Choice is the same. When we chose one way, we should think it was the only way to choose. Our life is only one way. We think we sometimes stand at a fateful crossroads. However, there is only one way to choose. Not to deny ourselves, not to regret mistakes we have made in our lives, and to accept ourselves positively, is the way of “BANBUTS SEIDOU”. It might be meaningful for us.

You should go ahead thinking when you chose the way it was only the way for you. We can’t go back even though we regrated doing what we chose.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

trouble shooter 1107

 trouble shooter

I have lots of stress from what my mother in her 80s says.

I’m a business man in my 60s. I have lots of stress about my mother who is in her late 80s, and living at her house by herself. My mother is fine. A few years ago, she stopped driving, so my brother and I support her by taking her shopping or going to lunch outside on weekends.

She doesn’t get along well with my wife since we got married. In recent years my mother has become a hard talker more and more. My wife is scared. 

My father passed away five years ago. Since then, my mother sometimes says “your wife broke my tableware deliberately.” I took her to a clinic to see whether she had dementia or not. She was normal at that time. Then she asked me “Why did you marry such a woman?”. I got really angry, and I didn’t talk to her for a month.

Recently she said “I passed the test to keep my driver’s license, so I want to buy a new car”. She also hates the nursing staff at her residential area. She says “I can live alone”. I have lots of stress. What should I do?


Adviser (a psychiatrist)

I think that since your father passed away, your mother has changed.

From your letter, your mother’s cognitive skill is slowly degenerating. Because what your mother says recently is apparently different from before. At the clinic she was normal. Probably it is difficult to take her to another clinic or hospital, and to persuade her to use public nursing welfare. You need to keep your distance as much as possible. However, you are really worried about her who lives alone. It might be one way for you to recommend that she live in an elderly nursing home. If she doesn’t accept it, or listen to you, you go to the residential public office, and talk more specifically about her situation.


P.S I hope not to become such an elderly woman in the future.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Good morning 1113


Since yesterday suddenly winter has come. Before Yuki an I see fall corps somewhere, leaves might fall down. 

These days it seems to be difficult for Yuki to swallow leaf vegetables. So I chop them. When I do it, I remember my late mother. It is the first time to use the word “late”.

My today’s mission going to the post office and sending some parcels.

A new week has started! 

Sunday, November 12, 2023

lunch diary short version 1111


When he takes chemo, he drops by a food coat at a shopping mall, and eat 1 a piece of KFC, and a MC humberger. They are for his "treat". This week it will be the last chemo, but it depends on his blood score whether he will be able to take the last chemo.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Good morning 1110


It is Friday.  I am going to the gym in the morning today. If I go there I will have gone there three days I a row. On the other hand I haven’t resumed walking yet. 

Chemo and radiation has accumulated in Yuki’s body. Yesterday, tough he went playing tennis in the morning, he felt really tired. So I drove him to and from the hospital to take radiation treatment.

Yesterday I got first Yuzu citron from a friend. I made Yuzu- miso. It takes at least two weeks to be tasty.


Thursday, November 09, 2023

Good morning 1109


It was the first time to go to the gym in three weeks. 

Usually I do 30 minute exercise, but this time I did only 15 minute exercise. It was enough. 
I was not so tired after finishing exercise there. When I got home, I felt very tired. 
Additionally I talked lots of gym mates, so it is the reason why I felt tired. 

According to the radiation doctor Yuki’s radiation treatment is going well. For us November seems to become a long month like October. 

Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Good morning 1108


Today “I go to the gym”. This is what I should do in the morning. 

In the afternoon I attend Yuki to see a Socorro of radiation. On Wednesdays we see the doctor to talk.

It is getting more difficult for him to swallow little by little. But he is all right. He keeps his current weight.

Additionally , his formal wear got tight for him. (We knew it when my mother passed away). We bought new one. (It was more expensive than I planed)

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Good morning 1107


We were alreay at the hospital at 8:00.

Now Yuki is taking chemo therapy. It is the fifth time. Next week it will be the last chemo therapy. Thankfully he doesn't have not severe side effects.

Today we talked with the doctor. After the standerd care finihsed, the treatment to him is continue. Our schedul is based by hospital schedule. 

I feel restless, though I'm not so busy.

Today a friend of mine visit me, so I will bake something sweet.

Monday, November 06, 2023

lunch diary 1104 short version

 Yesterday I went to get acupuncture  & moxibustion therapy. My lowerback is getting better. So the acupuncturist  recommended to restart walking and workout.

November has alreday started. Yuki's treatmnet is in the second half.

Friday, November 03, 2023

trouble shooter 2022/07/15

This aritcle was posed last summer, it is an old article. However there was something that caught my attention. So I tried translating it.

I detest my father’s abusive talk.

I’m in my early 30s and a businesswoman. I nursed my mother at home for ten years until she passed away. Now I nurse my father at home. He is able to move, not stay in bed all day. But he needs some care such as oxygen inhalation. He can’t live alone at home.

In this situation I talked to him about renovating our house and some inheritance issues. We quarreled. He said “if you cannot obey me, leave our home”.

The month after my mother passed away, we found out he has cancer. I nurse him very much after my mother passed away. If he wants me to leave home, I wanted him to say such a thing ten years ago. I nursed my mother and nurse my father of my own will.  However, when I hear such violent language, I detest him. I regret my choices in life. I might have had more freedom outside. My daily life with my father is very tough.

My father excuses himself saying that he can’t express his gratitude openly. I don’t understand him. Not expressing gratitude by words and action is the same thing as not feeling gratitude sincerely. Sometimes I think about his early death. And I hate myself for such. I struggle with self-hatred and his violent language.

Adviser (an author)

You did your best. You nurse your parents by yourself. However now you feel only detesting him. You are not the real you now. 

I’m not familiar with the issue of renovating and inheritance. Unfortunately, the house is your father’s house. So, he has a right to decide about it. How about pulling it? It means how about leaving home? For a while you buy time. Your father seems to have the power to live by himself using official nursing service. Using public nursing insurance, helpers or nurses visit your house and help your father to live.

Both of you need to keep a distance and buy time. Both of you need to be calm and you need to get back the real you. 

I also nursed my parents by myself for 20 years. Thinking back about it, while I supported them, I was also supported by them. Please believe that if you lose something, you get something at the same time. And it will enrich you.

Thursday, November 02, 2023

Good morning 1102


My lower back is getting better. I don’t the gym yet.  Without going out I was taking apart my kimonos. And I finished doing it. 

I have still some kimonos, which I will put on to go to some special places. 

I am going to ask my friend to change untied kimono into casual dress. 

Most of missions about my kimono discarding is finished. The last one is that I am going to remake a haori-kimono into a jacket by hand-sewing without taking apart it. 

Wednesday, November 01, 2023

trouble shooter 1008


"I am asked advise from people around me, It sometimes makes me difficult to keep being myself."

I’m in my teens.  I work on tiny things easily, and I used to like giving my friends advice.

When someone tells me about her or his troubles, the talking gets more serious. It means the seeker opens the mind easily and sometimes talks about their complicated situation, like family matters.

When I’m interested in the seeker or the story, I want to seek its core story. So, I go deeply into the heart of the story. If listening to the story is useful for the seeker, it is a good thing. On the other hand, I seem to be narrow-minded, not to have enough capacity for accepting the whole of the seeker. It is difficult to keep to myself these days. I’d like to ask for professional advice on how to listen to other people’s troubles without being involved myself.

Adviser (philosopher)

You must consider that you can understand their troubles sincerely so you are often asked for advice. Actually, such a person like you, tries to enter their heart deeply to seek the reason why they are worried.

The difficult thing is, sometimes the adviser is involved with the seeker, feels the same trouble, and loses himself.

To avoid this situation, you must be Socrates.

He is a philosopher in ancient Greek. While he listened to people’s stories or troubles, he never got an answer for them. He just helped seekers to find their answer by themselves. When we give suitable advice, we need to put ourselves in their shoes. So, we tend to be involved by ourselves, and have the same trouble.

However, when we realize that we help them to find their answer by themselves, we face just the seeker, not the seeker’s troubles. Specifically, you try to ask questions as much as you can. Instead of saying “you should ---“ you ask “what do you want to do ? How do you behave?”

It sounds paradoxical. However, to save people around you, and to save yourself not to be involved, it is necessary for you to escape from the trouble itself.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Good afternoon 1031


Todayit is Halloween, isn’t it? It is the first time for me to have no events and plans for Halloween. I lent my costumes to the staff of the library. So the staff enjoy kids visitors the library.

Yukon had an appointment to his doctor very early morning. So we went to visit the doctor as soon as the hospital opens. Anyway we are really lucky because the hospital is near.

Yuki seems to feel strange in the food pipe. It is one of the side effects of radiation treatment. As of now he is able to eat and swallow. His weight doesn’t change. 

He is taking chemo therapy now. At night he is going to attend his band practice. 

Monday, October 30, 2023

Good morning 1030


A new Monday has started. Though I still have a lower back pain, I can move. “Unfortunately” I stop going to the gym for a week.(it is not a excuse).
I think I kind of lose my tension. 
I try to go back to our usual days. Anyway Yuki has to visit hospital. On Japanese calendar we have a three-day weekend starting Friday. On Friday Yuki is going to participate in a live concert. Both of us didn’t think he could participate in it a month ago. Though he is gong to take forth chemo this Tuesday, we hope he will continue current health situation.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

lunch diary 1028 short version


From next week, I want to live as usual , though Yuki goes to hospial every day.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Good morning 1027

My mother’s funeral was done peacefully. Her neighbors (all of them are the elder) visited her. They know me when I was young. Three of them helped funerals of my great aunt, my father with us. ( at that time I was told by them what “I” should do at the funeral. Four of us shared the memory with laughing and tear. The eldest women a of four is 92. She is still the boss of me right women’s club and fine, she is a widow .  

Now I am at home. Yuki is fine. He is better than me. I have a back pain. So after he comes back from tennis , I am going to be take to get acupuncture by his car. When I am taking acupuncture therapy, he is taking radiation treatment in hospital.

Unfortunately, my brothers’ trouble is not solved. But probably my mother must give up about it. I also have given up to fix the relationship.

Anyway the best thing is three of us ( younger brother, youngest brother, and me) say our final goodbyes together. 

Well, Yuki has still enough hair. He looks usual, so even from his tennis mates, and band mates, he is teased.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Good morning 1023


Usual Monday has started. Yuki is fine. As of now he doesn’t feel side ugh his voice is hoarse.

Yesterday early morning my mother passed away peacefully. Her funeral is hold next week. 

Getting older means life gets shorter.