Wednesday, May 16, 2018

a little bit lonely? cheerless day

Yesterday it was the day of volunteering at the library.

I was waiting for some people to come.
One pair of a mother and a girl came.
One adult came.
That's it.
It was OK, we did a calm and relaxed reading time.
However I felt a little bit lonely? disappointed. Nowadays, at least 7 pairs and some adults had joined me.
I know, "it can't  be helped", "that's life" .
(Jan, this time I added another phrase)
Additionally, I was going to held a workshop at home in the afternoon.
Two guests were going to come here, however both of them canceled on the day.
I know, "it can't be helped", "that's life".
So the afternoon was a little bit lonely, and a cheerless day.
For the afternoon, I prepared this shortbread.
It was easy, what I did was to  put all ingredients in to a food processor, and put the dough in to the pie-dish, and bake it.
Thanks to it, Yuki had a good breakfast.


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