Tuesday, May 15, 2018

My Mother's Day

This Sunday it was Mother's Day, wasn't it?
Both of us didn't do anything for our mothers, though we call them constantly on weekdays.
Both of our daughters face gave me a call from early morning in turn. Our eleder,daughter seems to spend food good days luckily.
And my son in-law sent  this pot of flowers. He seemed to chose it by himself at a nearby floweshop and send it to me. So our younger daughter (his wife) asked me what flower he sent. I sent a photo. It is themselves. That's them.

Of course, last week , it was Mother's Day craft lesson.
Five students made cards and original coupons. I hope they , especially junior high school boys , would have presented them. I'll check whether they did or not, this week.
Today it is the volunteering day at the library.


AikenJan said...

Please explain what you mean by “elder daughter spends food days luckily.”

What is “foods day.”

For Mother’s Day, I got a nice card from our feral cat who now lives in our backyard and seems to have “adopted” us. 😻. Jan

Mieko said...

Thanks for your comments, and sorry to have many mistakes.
I proofread it. Probably it got better excepts grammatical errors.

AikenJan said...

Sorry, you misunderstand...I really was asking what you mean by “food days luckily?). Not correcting your comments... only curious about the meaning of that phrase. Jan

AikenJan said...

Now I see how your corrected “food” to “good” and it makes sense! 😁. I was trying to connect food to being lucky!