Thursday, December 13, 2018

a new watch

I sometimes use a watch, though many ladies use their cell phones instead of watches.
However, I use it just sometimes.
Last month I noticed that my two watches were out of batteries. Neither is  wind-up or solar.
So I  took them to a home center nearby. They said that it takes two weeks, because they would send them to a factory? or a clock shop.
It would be troublesome for me to find another shop which can change batteries there and then immediately. So I ordered to have the batteries changed.
However I realized  that in one week I need a watch.
So I bought one through the Internet. As you guess, it came the next day.

It costs the same as the fee of changing batteries.

Anyway now I have three watches.
One is a fancy watch but it has a small face with small numbers. ( For my aged eyes it is difficult for me to check the time immediately.)
Another the other one  has a big face with large numbers. It is very convenient. But the band is white, so it easy to see it's kid of old.
And the new one has a middle sized face with middle sized numbers. I like the orange band.

These are good excuses why I have three watches.
However, I wonder if all  three watches would be out of batteries at the same time
What do you think of it?


Rosa said...

You could always buy an Apple watch which you charge yourself like a cell phone--but they are very expensive! (Too expensive for me, certainly.)

I have to wear a watch for my work (I do not like it). Unfortunately, it is a necessary part of my uniform.

Mieko said...

Thanks for your comments, and sorry for being latte,for replying
if I had to always wear a watch , I might buy anApple watch. Well, well, I often fforget to charge my cellphone. My cellphone is usually called "in-mobile phone ". The time I stay home is longer than the the time I am outside, she so I prefer getting call on my house phone? Fixed-line phone to on cell phone. The problem is the cost between a house phone and a cellphone is higher than between a cell phone and a cellphone or a local house phone and a local house phone.