Friday, July 05, 2019

Before starting our retirement life at Karuizawa -4-

As we take you, we stayed Hoshinoya hotel. Why I wanted to stay there, we could enjoy all the day without going out of the hotel area.
The important thing is the mean of the hotel area. The area is very large, they have their own cars, so when we want to to a little bit far, we can be taken by their car, it means we seem to have our chauffeur.
And in the area, there are other three hotels. At hoshinoya they have Japanese a style restraint.  So if we want to have Meals at Western  style restaurant, the chauffeur takes us there.
We had breakfast at another hotel.

Then I joined morning yoga, while Yuki was enjoying morning hot spring.
And we relaxed there in the morning, and had light lunch with famous coffee and bread.

Then we came back to Utsunomiya.

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