Monday, July 15, 2019

Walking days with Haiku 0715

I've already written about my trip to Karuizawa, but I'll write again as a walking diary with Haiku.

 we had a one-night trip to Karuizawa. There I walked 13208 steps.
Karuizwa Wrapped by sophisticated aroma; hydrangea blooming


There we had an opportunity to attend a gospel service at a church. I walked 9200 steps.
Karuizawa Soak in the exotic atmosphere; Cumulonimbus

These flowers are called Nikkko- kisuge. Nikko is a place in our prefecture.
I don't know why the name includes Nikko. But Nikko is very famous for full of Nikko-kisuge.
On the day, I walked out twice to avoid sunshine. So Totally I walked 5662 steps.

Avoid the sunshine, Aim for 5000 steps totally; Nikko-kisuge
 aiming for 5000 Keeping walking exercise;

This flower "rengeso" is called Japanese milk-vetch. It is classified as a spring seasonal word in Haiku world.
On the day I avoided the sunshine, so I walked 6000 steps in the evening.
Dropped by at a store Sweat made me cold too much Dark rainy season.

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