Tuesday, July 09, 2019

My lunch with Haiku 0708

Monday : on the way home from Karuizawa, we took a rest at a rest area on a express road. Here in Japan, the express road fee is not free, very expensive. On the hand the rest areas are full of services, nice restaurants, cafes including Starbucks, souvenir shops, fresh markets, gas station , light food stands so on.  We had light lunch at a food stand. On the way home we went through a  seaside prefecture which has the sea. (Our prefecture, Tochigi, doesn't have the sea). So I had Shirasu bowl.
Shirasu, is a very tiny fish, we eat the whole of them , which means from head to tail (Jan , do you remember them?)

Whitebait bowl, Though the sea is far ( from our house); At starting point for climbing

Tuesday, I had to go some places. So I made lunch and had it at a parking lot in the park.
At parking lot Having my lunch with watching car TV: Lizard's tail

Wednesday I went exercising to the gym two days in a row.

Having a good sweat Stir-frying vegetables: Summer breeze

Thursday it was raining all the day. I tried discarding 10 things like mostly expired bread flour, jam and so on. I baked these bread. It was easier than I thought.

Rainy season; Against humid and hot Bake bread

Friday I found Toufu in the fridge, it was almost expired. So I cooked it with hot shrimp sauce.
Spicy tastes made me brisky.
Crammed in the deck  Handing the laundry out ; Rainy season

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