Monday, February 15, 2021

lunch diary 0214

For the last two days, we had warm days. But today it is raining and cold. Saturday night we had a big earthquake. Some things dropped from a shelf. A lump broke, but Yuki's trophy was intact.


Monday, do you know bibimbap? It is a kind of Korean dishes. And this is Japanese version bibimbap. 

In the morning, I went to a gym For a 30 minute-workout. Then, I talked on the video phone with my mother for about 2 hours. Well, it means my elder daughter was also with my mother at her house. She was complaining, sometimes showed her anger. My elder daughter and I understood how difficult for her to accept her situation. However, she is really picky as usual. As of now she is fine, though she sometimes gets in light delirium. 

Winter violets, with complaints and anger, getting aged

Tuesday, Yuki gave me a ride to the gym. While I was doing 30 minute workout, he was hanging around , it was wrong,  searching for pre-cooked takeout lunch ?? in the supermarket nearby. The grilled chickens he found was too hot for me to eat.
Winter buds; made me stop, trim the flowerpot 

Tuesday, though it was just one-pan lunch, luncheon mats made it looks nice. When we got up, it was cold. But at noon it was warm. So after lunch we did walking exercise--- and I basked in pollens.
Feel the warm sun, easy to walk, while basking in pollens

Thursday, Fried rice with sliced Chinese cabbage.
It was a holiday. We walked a lot. On the way home we took a rest at Mac.

Put a spring sweater, around my shoulders, walk elegantly 

Friday, sautéed local brand pork and Okura. I prepared some chocolate with red ribbon for my students because of coming Valentine's day, while I put a Japanese pink plums in a vase to celebrate coming Hina festival.
A blanch of pink Japanese blossoms;  small boxes with red ribbons, looks strange 

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