Monday, May 07, 2018

Quiet days have come back!

A long holiday has finished.
Last night we had take-out shushi.

And this morning we had usual quiet breakfast 

For a while we have usual days of two of us. 


AikenJan said...

My friends say that once their children leave home, they quickly become accustomed to the “no drama” life. They like to see their adult children come for a visit...a short visit..and equally as happy to wave goodbye!
From your posts, the biggest vacation for you was a break from the kitchen! That is one reason I like going on grocery shopping, putting groceries away, thinking of dishes to prepare, etc. my biggest decision on a ship us choosing what to eat! And, that is a vacation! Jan

Mieko said...

Thanks for your comment, Jan.
Well, during our stay in Tokyo, I was a break from kitchen.
However, during Ah-chan's stay here, I was a break from "kitchen cleaning".
And the last two days I was completely away from kitchen.
I understand your opinion, however cooking and grocery shopping with you is the most wonderful time as a way to spend my vacation!!