Thursday, May 10, 2018

season word 0510 bitter melon

Do you know Goya or bitter melon?
I think it is a summer vegetable, and it is a summer season word.
Why it came up in the paper???
Goya, this sounds are consisted with GO and Ya, and Go means five  and Ya means eight in Japanese.
So May 8 is called the day of Goya .. I hadn't known that before I read this article.
It is just a word-play.
However it is the suitable season to plant Goya seedlings.
Not only for getting fruits of Goya, but also making green curtain for shading in summer.
Seedlings of Goya, enjoying their glowing, green curtain
While planting, enjoy the word-play, with Goya(5/8)


AikenJan said...

Mieko, I really enjoyed the video. I have never tasted a bitter melon (Goya) and probably never will have the opportunity, but it was very interesting to see how they are prepared. have you eaten them? Jan

Mieko said...

Thanks for your comments, "yes","yes" we thankfully get from neighbors and eat them every summer. I cook them to fry, deep-fry, and boil. Of course we get "green" Goya at any markets, however the rape orange ones are very tasty and not bitter. So I always ask the next door woman to share orange ones.