Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Stake with high-quality soy sauce

Though I have a little trouble with my guts, I can eat and I willing to eat high-quality dishes. Well, according to Yuki, my high-quality dishes seem to be different from ones Yuki thinks.

Coincidently I got "high-quality" soy sauce and vinegar from my friend. She bought them with big 1.8 liter bottles, and shared some.

So it was a good reason? or excuse to have high-quality dishes. What is one of my high-quality dishes? "Stake". I prefer eating stake with soy-sauce to one with usual stake sauce.

For this soy sauce I "took an extra effort to retrieve a special bottle for this soy sauce" from the kitchen shelf. Can you guess what is our special table bottle for the soy sauce? Unfortunately it is not suitable for winter.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Annaul health check is finshed.

Last Saturday I got an annual health check at a hospital.
And today, early morning I got a gustroendoscopy.
On the way home, I had this brunch at a café.

The final result will come in two weeks.
Anyway the result of the gustroendoscopy, it was so-so.
My choric gastritis is not getting better, and not getting worse. So, it is so-so.
Additionally, I seem to have a light duodenitis. It is said to occur from some stress.
What is my stress? You might laugh, however, probably it comes from my anxiety.
So I am not so worried about my visceral troubles, I'm getting used to them.

On the other hand, my weight is usual, and my eyesight is usual. It is really great.

Though it is still cold, pollen season seems to have already started. So I started to taking allergy medicine adding to usual Japanese herb for my stomach.

And in one hour a friend comes having her special blended herb tea.

Do you have a pollen allergy? How do you deal with the troublesome matter?

Monday, January 28, 2019

Waku-waku is am important word.

"Waku-waku" means exciting.

For these days I've been always complaining, or grumbling.
I know people don't like hearing such complains, on the other hand saying complains to someone is the way to "vent" ( I learnt) my stress.
What is my main complaining? It comes from anxiety of forthcoming our retirement life.

I know I'm always filled with anxiety.

For example, before traveling, some people feel really exciting and think what they will see , hear, and eat on their trip.
They are also exited with preparing for their traveling. And some of them might have a fever because of their excitation the night before their trip.

On the other hand the people like me are very worried thinking about what will happen, and how we will manage to accidents.
We are really worried about what we should take for our trip.
And some people including me usually get sick for a few days before our trip.

So being excited and being worried are opposite sides of the same coin, I think.

So I'm trying to change the side before being worried, saying
though I'm worried (saying in a small voice), I'm excited (saying in a cheerful voice).

It is the same attitude to do laughter yoga.

Yesterday Yuki and I went to see a traditional Japanese comedy show called "RAKUGO".
Both of us had a big laugh!


Saturday, January 26, 2019

How dow you say "NIGAWARAI" in English?

As  you know writing this diary in English is the best way to improve my English skill constantly.
So I always thank to people who suggest mistakes, better expressions, etc.

Yesterday I used the phrase "a bitter smile".
And my friend advised me that an ironical smile  be better.

I thought again.
What I want to use a word in Japanese is "NIGAWARAI".  "NIGA" means bitter.
So I used the word "bitter smile" simply..
"NIGAWRAI" has broad meaning. However "bitter smile" doesn't seem to have as broad meaning as "NIGAWARAI".

I learnt bitter smile includes resentful feeling.
It is OK to use NIGAWARAI including resentful feeling in some cases.
However, when I used the word of bitter smile in the diary, I was not resentful.
So using "a bitter smile" was incorrect.

However I wouldn't include any ironies, even it sounded ironic.
So the smile I showed at that time was not an ironical smile.

Probably I had a wry smile. How about it?
According to my dictionary, the word of wry includes not only ironical, but also puzzled.

Or just it might be enough saying "I grinned".

Friday, January 25, 2019

Strange KATAKANA Japanese

It is well-known that some KATAKANA Japanese words are strange.
The other day I found one.

At a café, I accidentally laughed at seeing this menu.
At this café, we can choose coffee with a cup or a "de-ca[a]-n-ta".
"De-ca-n-ta" is Japanese, and it comes from decanter.
I know it. of course "De-ca-n-ta" might strange for native English speaker, but it completely changed into Japanese.  This means, that here in Japan "Ka-RA[a]-Oh-KE" is of course karaoke, but when the word spread into the world, it changed into [ke(æ)-ri-oʊˈki ]. For us the two words are completely different.
Well go back to the main story.
I ordered a "de-ca-n-ta" of coffee. Then the waitress confirmed it to me saying "de-kya[æ]-n-ta".
I thought she had an accent.
But, it was my misunderstanding. On the menu, it was written as "de-kya-n-ta".
probably the second syllable "kya" sounds closer to the word decanter, but, it is "decant", not "decanter".
It might have no answer which is better "de-ca-n-ta" or "de-kya-n-ta".
Anyway for me it was the first time to see the Katakana Japanese word of "de-kya-n-ta".
The other thing is that.
I like listening to radio programs. These days I often listen to them on my iPhone.  Because I can listen the programs which were broadcasted before easily again.
The other day a strange thing happened. Suddenly the program stopped and iPhone siri application started. I didn't understand the situation.  I thought again. I got it.
The announcer said "shi-ri-ta-ga-tteru" ( it means wants to know". )  Shiri reacted the word "shi-ri".
I had a bitter smile.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Laughter yoga meeting with two ladies

Yesterday I held a laughter yoga meeting at home.
This time two ladies joined. I was really happy.
We have four regular members.
However, these days one lady often goes to Tokyo to take care with her daughter and grandchildren.
Another lady has a heart problem, so she stays home quietly.
I thought that it would be a little boring to do it with three members including me.
But the two ladies said "no, if only one join, I will continue it".
Without any constraint of social? human? relationship, just laughing and doing light exercise seem to make us refreshed and happy.
When I heard this, I was really happy.

When I decided to start this meeting, I  posted handmade a small brusher into each my neighbors post to announce it.
I'm going to do it again.
Laughter yoga makes me positive (can Jan hear me?)



Monday, January 21, 2019

Monday has started

Yesterday , it was the third Sunday. So it was the day of volunteer reading at the library.
I "could do that".
It means --

I thought I would have caught the flu.
Last Thursday I felt a slight headache, but I got better in the afternoon, and could work.
Last Friday I had runny nose, but didn't feel bad. So I went to the gym.
And Saturday. I could get up, but very felt very tired. In the morning I did usual weekend chores, cooking pre-cooked dishes, vacuuming the rooms, and discarding 10 things. I felt worse. I had a slight fever.
I thought I might have caught the flu.
And next day was of course Sunday, it means most of clinics nearby is closed.
A clinic nearby opens on Saturdays in the afternoon. So I observed myself in the bed after taking some medicine.If my fever elevated, I had to go to the clinic.
However, it didn't elevate. It went down and closed to my usual temperature.
Anyway I was in bed, while listening to the radio.

Sunday, I got up as usual. I had no fever. I didn't catch the flu. I was relieved.

In the morning of Sunday I did volunteer  reading at the library.
And Yuki and I had lunch outside.
Then I spent a lazy day in the bed.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Making some things by hand diligently

In last December, I "shouted" that "Yuzu please, Yuzu please". In the place Yuki goes to play tennis once a week, there is a big Yuzu tree, so I asked him to pick some from it. Of course he knows the owner, and allows to pick some. However it is a big tree, so it is really difficult for him to pick some from the upper part of the tree. So I shouted to people around me. And, at the end of December, suddenly Yuzu come from here and there. I used some for cooking. We enjoyed Yuzu bath. I used some for New Year's decoration. And I dried the peel. And I preserved some in honey after I peeled them. 、

What do I use the dried peel?
I bread some dry herbs with the peel. It is my special herb tea.
I also added dry ginger I made to it.

Anyway everyday it is cold. So I keep my hot herb tea in this handy thermos.

There are many tough jobs in winter.
However there is a thing not to do in winter. it is weeding.
But for garden lovers garden season seems to have already started.
My friend gave me the rest of flower pots of pansies.
I "willing to" to have put them in my garden.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Flu season

Since last Tuesday (probably), the flu has been spreading. Yesterday, I was going to have five individual lessons, but three of them canceled it because of the flu.
In Japan if one-third of the students in the class are absent  because of a cold or the flu, the class is closed  for a couple of days. Then if one-third of the classes of a grade are closed, the whole grade is closed.
Flu is highly infection.

The sick students must be in bed, but, the healthy students who don't catch the flu yet may be happy not to go to school. However they are "forbidden" to go out. Because we have to prevent the virus from  spreading. What they do at home is probably playing the game, or studying by themselves.
Additionally working parents of younger kids  have a trouble to find someone to take care of them.
 if the kids are in the lower grade.

I know the flu is really bad. We have a high fever and feel really bad. On the other hand nowadays we have very effective medicine. So just taking medicine once , the fever subsides immediately. And we seem to get well for a day. But  the doctor usually issues a medical clearance  after one week.

However it is really difficult for kids to stay home.
They go out to buy snacks at a convivence store nearby,  go to the library, or somewhere
They look fine, but they may be carrying  so the virus spreads.

What a strange cycle it is!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Usual days have started

Yuki and I had a good three-day weekend.
The first day of it, it was Saturday. In the morning he went to play tennis, and I organized the rooms.
I put some toys and small articles related with Setsubun on the shelf in our entrance and hung a big new T's work on the wall. You might ask which the main is.

In the afternoon, we went to see a dentist, it is a monthly routine.
The next day, it was Sunday, we went to Tokyo to visit each mother.
It was a warm day, and usually it is warmer in Tokyo than in Utsunomiya.
My mother and I walked on a shopping street, had Japanese noodle for our lunch, and had a tea break. It was a good walking. According my pedometer, we walked about 4000 steps. For my mother who is 84, it was an enough exercise.

The last day, it was Monday,  in the early morning as soon as we got up, we took our New Year's ornaments to a shrine, It was a day of DONTO YAKI. We don't put away such ornaments as a garbage.  At shrine they deal with such things as an special event.( I don't know what verb is suitable.)
Of course we put some money in a offertory box.
Then we had a special Japanese sweet with Japanese green tea.
I was very surprised Yuki wanted to have Japanese green tea.

In the afternoon, Yuki had some things to do outside, So we went out, and when he was doing it, I was walking along the river.
On the day I walked more than 7000 steps.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

How do you think of it?

I think Japanese people tend  not to good at expressing their ideas, or opinions orally.
Because we weren't in such situation in school.
However from now on such ability may be necessary.

In the first lesson with a high school boy  there was an interesting topic.

Do you think Japanese society treats men and women equally?

HIs mouth was closed, and his brain also seemed to shut down.

So I told him to see some situations at hand.
And I mentioned an example.

"Both of your father and mother work as a businessman equally, and they come back home almost at the same time. However your mother cook dinner for three of you. What is your father doing while she is cooking?"

Unfortunately, in his case, while she is cooking, his father is also organizing the rooms.

Then I also mentioned that this theme doesn't mean that women tend to be looked down on. Men sometimes are oppressed.

Then he said one phrase.
"Bathroom for women is nearer".

I didn't understand what he said.

The bathroom for women in the school is nearer than men's one from his classroom.

His brain started to work.
This opinion was interesting, but it depends on where each classroom is.

He continues.
When we (boy students) clown around (does it make sense?) in the classroom with girl students, our teacher often scold boy students hardily.
It is strange. He wanted to say "it is wrong," but he used the word strange instead of wrong.

Unfortunately we had no time to talk about this topic more.

We might talk about teacher's position like that.
Your teachers might think that boy student will have to take a leadership role in the future, so they discipline boy students more strictly than girl students.
Or your teachers might think that they are afraid of sexual harassment.

Anyway he expressed what he felt. It was good.
It is all right to express not so cool things. The first step is anyway to express what we feel orally.

My class has started.

Since this week, my class has started.
We make a paper Kibuna and write the sheet.

Kibuna is a folk toy in Utsunomiya.
Once upon a time, a boy fished a special yellow carp. It helped people who were suffering from a plague. So Kibuna is a kind of symbol to protect us from illness throughout the year.
Tomorrow the first festival is held in front of Utsunomiya station. I'll go with a friend to buy a new Kibuna of this year.

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

The first performance at Karaku cafe

Yesterday, it was the first day for me to perform a 30 minute concert at Karaku café.
For these three years, we do the performance wearing Kimono.
For me I put on my Kimono after one year interval.

Let me tell you about my Kimono. Last year I decided to try on all kimono I was handed over from my mother and my grandmother. However because of my shoulder trouble, I couldn't put on Kimono by myself. So I didn't wear them. Anyway little by little my shoulder is getting better, and this time I managed to put on kimono by myself. Unfortunately the shape of OB(kimono band) was distorted? (not so good), though I didn't mind. I'm satisfied with wearing KIMONO. So I'll declare again "I'll try on all KIMONO I have, and consider which ones I will discard, or keep in the upper closet."

Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Did you see a solar eclipse of this year?

As I sometimes tell you, I continue discarding 10 things every week, and of course I do this year.
On the other hand I have kept some things which might be strange.
This is of one of them. It is just a part of black plastic sheet which was used by our daughter.
We saw an annual eclipse with it a few years ago.

And this year we used it again to see this one.

The day we saw it was my birthday.
Nowadays I prefer Japanese sweet to cake. So we bought these one.

However, celebrating birthday with cake is fun, so I bake this pie. 

Monday, January 07, 2019

visiting seven shrins and temples

Probably you think Japanese people love visiting shrines and temples.
And I think probably you are right, especially in New Year's vacation.
We visited 7 shrines and temples to see seven kinds of small statues and get special stamps at each place.
SHICIFUKUJIN means The Seven Deities of Good Fortune.
This video is TOKYO shichifukujin meguri.
Statues of the seven deities are in many temples or shrines in Japan.
We went OHTAHARA shichifukjine meguri.
For us it was the first time to do such a thing.
It was a big fun.
Now we know "there are many "shichifukujin meguri" not only in Ohtahara, but also in Ashigaka, Tochigi, etc," Probably the temples and shrines having such statues are in town which are used to be a castle town.
Unfortunately we don't have Utsunomiya shcifukujin meguri in Utsunomiya city, though  we have Tochigi shichifukujin meguri in this prefecture.

We went out with our lunch. It means we don't drop by at a café or restaurant.
However we enjoy the local snacks while visiting the shrines and temples.

Friday, January 04, 2019

Visiting shrines

It is our customer to visit shrines on New Year's Days.
Yuki and I could spend three days with our elder daughter T.
Let me tell you her situation.
She went to the U.S.A supporting a company's scholarship. She made some works at some studios there. One of them are here in Utsunomiya. Later I'll show it on this blog.
And last December she came back.
Now she is looking for her job, on the other hand she tries to submit some exhibitions. Thanks to the experience of studying abroad, she can get more rights to submit and participate in art exhibitions.

Well, go back to today's topic.
First we went to TAGESAN.
The main shrine is on the top of the hill. We "climbed" up there , it took 20 minutes.
When we went there last time, we were with our grand daughter "Ah-chan",
She did it. When we were climbing, Yuki and I were talking about ah-chan.
T said with a bitter laugh "sorry I'm not Ah-chan, but it is better to be three of us than to be two of you." It was right.

When she came back to Tokyo, two of us went to another shrine.
Of course when we went there, Ah-chan was with us, too.
My mother and my mother in-law also used to clime up there when they were really healthy.
On the top of the hill, there is big bell, and anyone can strike the big bell.

 We are really satisfied with striking the bell this year again.
Our usual days have started, though we are having a three-day weekend.

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

In the morning, three of us (my elder daughter came back) are spending lazily at home. 
In the afternoon we will visit some shrines.