Friday, January 04, 2019

Visiting shrines

It is our customer to visit shrines on New Year's Days.
Yuki and I could spend three days with our elder daughter T.
Let me tell you her situation.
She went to the U.S.A supporting a company's scholarship. She made some works at some studios there. One of them are here in Utsunomiya. Later I'll show it on this blog.
And last December she came back.
Now she is looking for her job, on the other hand she tries to submit some exhibitions. Thanks to the experience of studying abroad, she can get more rights to submit and participate in art exhibitions.

Well, go back to today's topic.
First we went to TAGESAN.
The main shrine is on the top of the hill. We "climbed" up there , it took 20 minutes.
When we went there last time, we were with our grand daughter "Ah-chan",
She did it. When we were climbing, Yuki and I were talking about ah-chan.
T said with a bitter laugh "sorry I'm not Ah-chan, but it is better to be three of us than to be two of you." It was right.

When she came back to Tokyo, two of us went to another shrine.
Of course when we went there, Ah-chan was with us, too.
My mother and my mother in-law also used to clime up there when they were really healthy.
On the top of the hill, there is big bell, and anyone can strike the big bell.

 We are really satisfied with striking the bell this year again.
Our usual days have started, though we are having a three-day weekend.

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