Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Stake with high-quality soy sauce

Though I have a little trouble with my guts, I can eat and I willing to eat high-quality dishes. Well, according to Yuki, my high-quality dishes seem to be different from ones Yuki thinks.

Coincidently I got "high-quality" soy sauce and vinegar from my friend. She bought them with big 1.8 liter bottles, and shared some.

So it was a good reason? or excuse to have high-quality dishes. What is one of my high-quality dishes? "Stake". I prefer eating stake with soy-sauce to one with usual stake sauce.

For this soy sauce I "took an extra effort to retrieve a special bottle for this soy sauce" from the kitchen shelf. Can you guess what is our special table bottle for the soy sauce? Unfortunately it is not suitable for winter.

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