Monday, June 24, 2019

An amazing appetite

Two weekends in a row, we went to Tokyo to visit our mothers.
Both are fine, which is a good thing.
And what they look forward to is not to meet us, where to be taken to eat.

My mother and we visited to see our family grave, because in this moth there is a day of anniversary of my father's death, though 40 years have passed.
We went to our familiar Eel restaurant, though my mother and I shared the lunch, anyway she had a good appetite, and looked happy.

My mother's birthday is also in this month. So her sons and daughters in-law, and granddaughters (all her grandchildren are girl, opt, ladies)
She loves beef. So the birthday party was held at a Korean style grilled beef restaurant.
She also had a good appetite, and looked happy.

When I reach their age, will I have such a good appetite?
Before that will our daughters take me anywhere?

Anyway, two big events were finished.

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