Monday, June 03, 2019

walking 0603

I manage to continue walking.
This is a report of the week before last. (Since last week I've been suffering dizziness, though it is getting better.)
Well, will I be able to continue my walking exercise ? It depends on my health situation and the "weather".

These are roses of my friend's garden. She doesn't do anything for them, but every year they bloom, and the color is very beautiful. It was 4404 steps there and back, so I did walking in the evening. Totally it got more than 5000 steps.
Rose scent; Ram-ble on  With laugh-ing

I made a detour to a drugstore to buy some bread . 6246steps.
Jap-a-nese I-ris; Passing rain shower I'll follow you


In Japan the fee of cell phone is very expensive. A new plan was announced, so we went to a shop to reconsider our contract.
He drove there, I walked there. The shop was so crowded, he was on the waiting while I was walking.

Po-ta-to flow-ers;  Com-ing re-trie-ment life Know our home-budget

Koban grass; Can't help drop-ping by a store; hav-ing a coin pass
Do you know the flower of briza maxim?
It seems to be called "briza maxima" in English.
In Japanese we call Koban sou.
Koban means old coins which were used 150 or 200 years old, and  oval.
I walked 5523steps.

It is getting hot. So I walked at night. 5217 steps.
Short-er night; Back band grow-in-the-dark  Not alone

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