Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Higher comsuption tax

Our consuption tax increses from tomorrow.

We didn't  buy more than usual, but we bought something. They were  a carton of cigarettes and (only) two bottles of SYOUCYU-sake, all of them were Yuki's luxury.
I think, it doesn't lead to save money. I think he must have them more than usual because they are in sight of his eyes, though  he is denying.

Anyway according to this article, "people know the point system, but they don't understand the system". This sentence is right.
In October, foods are still sold with 8 percent consumption tax, but the other things are sold with 10 percent consumption tax. But we are going to get a  refund on the difference  for the difference in higher tax with "points" for a several months.  Then we don't know how to get the points effectively.

For example, I'll tell about a neighborhood supermarket which we often use.
They issue their own point card as a service card. When we accumulate a certain number of points, we use them as money. But, it is only when we pay by cash. When we pay with credit card, we don't get points of the supermarket, but we can get points of the credit card company. However the rate of profitability of the supermarket point is higher.
And in this case,  we seem to be able to get a refund as the supermarket points.

I'll tell you another neighborhood drugstore which we often use.
Their payment system is linked by our credit card company, and they also issue their own point card.
There when we buy something, we get both points of the credit card company, and the drugstore point card. In this case, we seem to chose points from which card to get a refund. Additionally using credit card is higher profitable.

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