Tuesday, October 29, 2019

walking diary 1028

I continue "walking exercise". Recently I learnt this word "speed walking". I don't walk speedy, so in my case "walking exercise" is a suitable word for me.
We drove town hear and there to do our errands. And on the way home I got off the car, and walked home back alone. 5762 steps.
On the way home I found these red fruits. They recalled me the season of their blooming, but I forgot the name. Later I knew that they were dogwood trees.
Seeing red fruits: Their blooming comes up to mind Though forgot the name

We went out to listen to a concert. Three men played Japanese instrument. The day before the day it was "SOKUINOREI", (enthronement ceremony) . We were watching TV and listened to Japanese ancient music played Japanese instrument. Luckily on the day we listened to such a performance directly.  We walked downtown and did 6000 steps.
An autumn clear day, Directly listen to Japanese tune By Shou recorders
I walked in the day time here and there. But it didn't reach 5000 steps. So I did walking exercise at night. Well even at night, many people did "speed walking".  The people who were walking at night were younger than ones who were walking in the daytime, so they walked speedy, it meant "speed walking".
An autumn night; People do speed walking Younger than us


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