Monday, October 21, 2019

lunch diary 1021

Monday; we were going to stay in Nagoya. It can't be helped. Fortunately we didn't have any troubles after the typhoon. On the other hand a lot of people than we had expected sustained damage from it.
After the typhoon; Open the white door in the kitchen  Appreciate every day
"White door" means the door of the fridge. "Fridge" is a seasonal word for summer. So I changed the word it into "the white door".
Tuesday, Yuki went to a job-placement office and went through procedure.
I talked with a friend who suffered a little  damage from this typhoon. I was relieved to contact with her. She lived a little bit far away. She was fine.
After the typhoon: Get through to a friend finally On the phone

Wednesday; we dropped by a supermarket and bought  deep-fried food.
I avoided to have them for my lunch, but probably we will often have them for lunch, which we will buy at a supermarket.
With deep-fried food Look up and smell; Orange osmanthus

Thursday, we went to a friend's restaurant.
Unfortunately because of the typhoon there are some leaks in her house, so for a while she is going to close the restaurant from next week.
After the typhoon; Busy days come back With transience

Friday. I got a whole of pumpkin (squash, or KABOCHA; its outside is green and thick)
I cooked it  making simmered pumpkin, gratin pumpkin, pumpkin soup. I tired of pumpkin.
However probably "a whole of pumpkin"  often will come from now.
From the all angles How fattened and solid  The pumpkin is!

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