Thursday, October 24, 2019

Walking at a big park

We went out to a big park, where it took 30 minutes drive.
I thought it might be good to go out with a "nice" picnic basket". But I "couldn't", because it was "troublesome". I filled each water bottle with my herbal tea, and coffee, and wrapped some snacks in cloth. And as soon as we finished our morning errands, we went out.

The park is public. It was a weekday, but there were people from various generations.
Some mothers and kids were there, many elderly people were doing walking exercise. And some student groups were training. And many hobbyist groups were there.

In the park, there is a small fish pond. It was one of the things Yuki wanted to see.
There were more people than we expected, and they seemed to be into fishing.
It means most of them had their own fishing kits and were wearing "suitable" fishing clothes, though the place was just a fish pond. Probably they came here to practice fishing.
Nowadays we begin to notice that in fishing world they have a kind of fishing uniform.
Additionally on weekends, the place seems to be filled with families who rent fishing kits there. ( So, such people we saw on the day won't come on weekends)


This park is big, and there are many trees. So it seems to be famous for bird watchers.
Can you see a small purple bird in the photo? It was really difficult to take a good picture with cell phone.
There were many people or groups of bird watchers with "special" camera. And most of them were wearing camouflage clothes.

We saw many runners there. Of course most of them were wearing cool running clothes and shoes.

On the other hand, though we saw many people who were just walking, their outfit seemed to be conservative? somber? or "not cool". But most of them were wearing cool walking shoes.

While we were walking in the park, we were watching other's outfits. It was interesting.
What were we wearing?
 After walking in the park, we had to go to  another place, so Yuki was wearing a jacket --- not usual park outfit. I was wearing "usual" outdoor outfit .

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