Sunday, April 12, 2020

English Haiku 0410

last trip:
a butterfly
in my room

Giuliana Ravaglia (Bologna, Italy)
Selected by Dhugal J. Lindsay
It is a really beautiful Haiku, isn't it.
Probably it is the last day of the trip. After the trip, a new life might start, or a usual busy day might start. Anyway spring is the season many things are born, start.
Today's season word is Schoolchild's backpack.
It is really Japanese word, isn't it.
In my childhood, usually boys' would be black, and girls' would be red. Nowadays, every child choses their favorite color like purple, light blue, pink , green and so on.

英語俳句 0410_e0147742_15351319.png

I like black, a new backpack on her back , and smile
Today's drill is that you should finish with exclamation.

In Japanese Haiku world, we have three kinds of finishing words added to a verb.
KERI, kind of exclamation.
NARI, to say with certainty
ORI; progressive form
First, how's the weather today?
When I got up, I thought it would be warm, but suddenly it started raining then it got cold!
Describe this situation in Haiku.
Where's the thicker cardigan,  (fumble the closet) in a hurry!
And complete the Haiku starting with a suitable seasonal plant.

Pussy willow;  Where's the thicker cardigan, in a hurry!


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