Monday, April 13, 2020

lunch diary 0413

To keep and strengthen  our immune system, daily diet is very important, isn't it?

Monday, it was a perfect vegetarian lunch. The left green dish was watercress soufflé, which already went flat. Then we grilled meat for our dinner.

Watercress; depends on the combination, ease the bitterness

Tuesday, I used the pre-cooked boiled salty pork.
At night in Tokyo a state of emergency was declared .

Spring (changeable) sky; able to cook as usual , thanks!

Wednesday, this lunch was almost the same of yesterday's.  On the day opening ceremonies at school were hold, but from the next day schools were closed again.

Spring (moving) clouds; as if nothing happened, accept this drizzling

Thursday, anyway I decided to continue individual classes.  So I have five students including the student taking piano lessons.

Stems extend fully: enjoy with the youth, a year left

Friday, in the morning I went to see a dentist. There I browsed a magazine, and I decided to cook it.
 --- grilled salmon with Miso-paste and mayonnaise.
Spring storm; enjoy dynamic lunch, all the more at home

Last week I read this book -- praising words for adults.

So I decided to start with saying one praising word to Yuki. After that it is all right to say any complaints

Wed. 😏 Thu.😏 Fri. 😏 Sat. 😏 Sun. 😏

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