Tuesday, April 07, 2020

walkind diary 0406

Last week I did walking as much as I could, on the other hand I didn't go to the gym.
The private gyms are still open. And there people do an individual exercise keeping 2 meter social distance, and all machines are often sterilized by stuff with an alcohol spray pot.

On the yesterday's blog I wrote about MITSUMA virgin forest. On the day before the day it was snowy. Here in Utsunomiya we couldn't see any snow on the day, but there we saw a lot of snow there.  Both of us coincidently had each hats. We got lots of mist of melting snow from the trees.

Melting snow; in the virgin forest, catching with hats
I walked 5212 steps.

I walked around the house. 5200 steps.
SYOKASSAI (purple spring flower): daily unglamorous walking , accumulate the steps

Before an entrance ceremony these cherry blossoms seems to finish. This spring cherry blossoms started to bloom earlier than usual, but they kept blooming longer than usual.  I walked 5212 steps.
Unprecedented situation; Cherry blossoms blooming Longer than usual

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