Tuesday, March 23, 2021

What brought fun to us 0321

Last week we had a plan to go to a new supermarket. The name is "GYOUMU super".  Their target is mainly restaurants, cafe, and so on, it means they deal with big bags of glossary.  But these days (because of this corona pandemic?) they start to sell items to usual people like us. They also deal with lots of imported things.  It was an interesting place. I found butter without salt made in NZ. The price is less inexpensive than usual one made in Japan. 

Before visiting the supermarket, we dropped by a park, and enjoyed KOUZU cherry blossoms which bloom early spring. 

Another day, we visited a cafe --- because "coincidently" I dropped my rice bowl, so I want a new one for me. So we visited my favorite tableware shop & cafe.

Are there any rice bowls in my house? Yes there are some rice bowls which are not used. One is for my elder daughter, another one is for my second daughter, another one is my grand daughter, another one is for my son in-law, -------. It is my rule? family members have their own rice bowl. Of course there are other some rice bowls for guests. Guests?---- who and when they come ???? 
Anyway I'm satisfied with my new rice bowl.

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