Friday, November 22, 2019

English haiku 1122


Frost is a seasonal word for winter. We haven't had frost yet this year.  It is almost the end of November, so probably we will have frost soon. On the other hand, dew and fog are seasonal words for autumn.

This weekend, we (not only me) are going to pick all plants like begonia and organize the garden.
Tame the soil Pick up perennial plants Without waiting frost

In Japanese Haiku world, there are basically two ways. One is to use a literally language like Shakespearean English.  It is said this style makes Haiku high-toned.This style is too difficult for me.  Additionally I wish I would spent days in a   high-toned atmosphere. The other one is  to use a spoken language.
I'll show some modern Haiku.

My favorite Oden at a convivence store Beautiful stars

Oden is a seasonal word for winter.

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