Friday, November 29, 2019

"househusband's" sense?

These days there are two housemakers in my house, one is an almost professional and the other is a beginner.
The other day we happened to have lunch at a hamburger shop. We didn't remember when was the last time we went there.


Each one ordered the season specials without considering the price.
I ordered a **** special ( I forgot the name ) and a coffee. Probably ordering set was more reasonable, but I didn't need fried potatoes. Yuki ordered another **** special in a set with fried chicken.

And he was surprised at the price, it means it cost than he expected. Well, well, he didn't carunculate how much they were before ordering.
And he asked me "how much the daily set of our lunch at YOSHIKEI?"
YOSHIKEI is a delivering food company, I order daily ingredients to them.
Why do I order them?
First  to take variety food ---- it is difficult to buy good fish at reasonable cost around here.
Second to avoid quarreling with dinner menu. --- What we want to eat  is one troubles of our daily life.
Third to avoid troublesome which I have to think about dinner menu.

Well, well, and the dairy ingredients cost around 1500 yen for two of us.
It cost less than these hamburger lunch. 

Probably he thought the quality  of our meal.
It made me really surprised he asked the cost, and compared those quality.

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