Tuesday, November 26, 2019

walking diary 1125

Do you know this flower?
When we went out to a shrine in a small mountain, I found themt. 5812steps.
Gentians in mountain  Without being seen solidly  Like mother
I went out to the city hall to do errands. I walked around --but it didn't reach 5000 steps. So I walked in the city hall park, and had quick lunch at the observation room on the top floor.
A calm winter day, In the observation room How warm it is! 5612 steps.
I went out to get massage using my health insurance. The place is not so far. So I went there by bike. But on the way back home, it started raining. 5406 steps.
A winter day Rain trickles  on a saddle Wheelthe bike

We went out for shopping together, And on the way back home I decided to walk without holding my bag. Some elementary school children also walked with carrying their backpack on their back. 5616steps.
10000 steps Kids walking back with their backpack Without portable warmer (KAIRO)


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