Thursday, March 05, 2020

coronaviruses and us -3-

Coronaviruses have changed the daily life of my mother in-law.
The first week of February;  We have already some infected patients by coronavirus in our country, but the source of infection was determined. From China.
When we visited my mother in-law in hospital, people without wearing masks couldn't enter in the hospital. But if he or she didn't have one, a new mask was given by the hospital. Coincidently we had our own disposable masks, so we could enter the hospital, and saw her.
However we couldn't get new masks at drugstores in Tokyo.
Additionally, we couldn't get new ones at any stores in Utsunomiya. Another day, Yuki went to a rural area, there he bought one box of masks . (He could only one box of masks).
Luckily we have a stock of masks, so as of now, we have no troubles of lack of masks.

The second week of February; We could enter  the hospital. Of course wearing a mask was necessary.  So we started to organize my mother's room of her nursery center while she couldn't join us.

The third week of February; Circumstances were getting severe. My younger daughter and AH-chan (my granddaughter) were going to visit us this spring, but it was canceled. A big event my elder daughter was involved was canceled. On the other hand Yuki's drink party in Tokyo was held. He went there by train.

The forth week of February; Hospitals and senior nursery centers prohibit visitors from entering there. So we couldn't see my mother  in-law, and tidy up her room. She can use her cell phone. (My mother can't), so we can talk with her. We took some things like sweets, sweets, sweets to the hospital. Her knee and arm are getting better, she was going to change the hospital to focus on rehabilitation, but it was postponed.

And today we knew, she is going to change the hospital tomorrow.
It is the first step for her to return her senior nursery center.
It is not certain that she will go back to her senior nursery center even though she can walk by herself.


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