Friday, March 27, 2020

Walking diary 0323

Every day the situation changes.
Anyway last week I could enjoy walking.

These are KAWAZU cheery blossoms. This kind of cherry blossoms start to bloom earlier than standard cherry blossoms like SOMEI YOSHINO.
I walked 6769 steps.
On the way home I dropped by Tully's  coffee shop.
They stopped to serve coffee with mug cups. And they use plastic spoons again.
Disposable plastic products cause a problem, but for a while we need to use them to avoid viruses.
Cherry blossoms; the first time on a week day, after retirement
Anyway graduation ceremonies were hold in most of schools even though the scale was diminished.
I presented these small bouquets to my students who graduated this year.
I walked 5027 steps to buy them.
Mimosa blooms; a sickly flower bouquet, suit to him 
The first spring storm?? Anyway it was really windy.
I did door-to-door drops to advertise my English school. I walked 5500 steps.
The first spring storm; door-to door drops,  brace myself

This is really rural area. I saw green barely field. I walked 7920 steps.
Green barely field, a more bend-over woman, wearing a plain hats

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