Thursday, November 26, 2020

It's difficult for me to spend "moderate" daily life.

I continue to make HAIKU poems. Did I tell you? I take lessons by receiving collections by mail once a month. Usually I send 5 Haiku-poems. These days I can't get grade A; there are three levels. Most of them are grade B, but these days I get grade C.  And  the teacher said " watch more carefully, focus what you see, what you feel, and what you want to describe".

Well, my style is "anyway make it, anyway do it, --- without thinking". Sometimes it is all right. "Do quickly" was? or is my life style. But it often comes with "irresponsible attitudes or actions".

The reason why these days I get grade C or B is probably such an irresponsible attitude to my Haiku.

Now I have more time than before. So I can sweep everywhere moderately? politely? . I can cook something using more time. BUT==== I'm not good with hands, and anyway I'm not a patient person, I'm short-tempered.

Though it is in Japanese, my friend introduced this site.

She is as old as me, and she is living in her mother's house alone. Her mother is in nursery home. She retired from her business. I don't know her financial situation, but anyway she seems to enjoy her moderate daily life.

Well, I don't know how she records such video by her self.


Doris said...

I think you are on to a Haiku with this post...! It's there...:)

Mieko said...

Doris, thanks for your comments, The life with haiku sounds moderate, or quiete. My real life is ---- I want to do everything quickly. And easily.
However, I'll try to pursue my moderate life.

Doris said...

Oh, I see, thank you for explaining. I always try to think of haiku in my head, but for everything! I'll try to think of more serene, quiet ones. But, I'm more sure if I can (lol). I enjoy reading your blog. I admire that you write so consistently and in English! My Japanese is not so good. I could not write in Japanese! Take care, Doris

Mieko said...

Doris, thanks. My English ---- probably someone knows, is not improved. However I7ll try to continue keeping my diary. Writing something in English, makes my mind change, and clearly.